dang muzzleloader


Went out tonight in the freezing cold, and had my best and worst night out. I haven't seen a buck of any size since opening day. About 445 two does came into the field followed by a line of 13 bucks. The biggest a 150 inch 8 point with a split g2. These deer came in and fed at 140 yards. I took the shot at the big buck and only my primer went off. I quickly put another one on and once again only the primer shot. I did this 9 times as the deer fed in front of me for a half hour before moving over the hill. I've been thinking of getting a new muzzleloader and this was the last straw. Very disappointing end to an awesome hunt.
You got to admit, it is kind of funny. I just picture you shooting your primer off 9 times all peed off and frustrated. I do feel for yah though. They will be out again tomorrow night! Good luck man!
Did you reseat the bullet after each pop-no-bang? Might I ask, which primer, powder, and gun?
I did reseat the bullet a couple times. It's an older t/c black diamond that uses no. 11 percussion caps. I'm going to get a. CVA accura v2 or optima v2
What makes the accura so much better than the optima?

I believe the accurate v2's claim to fame is the bergara barrel it comes with. I don't believe the optima has the bergara barrel. They are supposed to be too notch barrels made in Spain.
I believe the accurate v2's claim to fame is the bergara barrel it comes with. I don't believe the optima has the bergara barrel. They are supposed to be too notch barrels made in Spain.

Those accura v2's stack bullets. My encore is accurate but that v2 is a touch better in terms of shooting small groups at 200+ yards.
Probobly not noticable in a hunting situation, but confidence is key in all your equipment
What makes the accura so much better than the optima?

For me the selling points to the V2 was a better stock. The optima feels like cheap plastic, the v2 is like a rubber coated stock. I also heard instances of the optima stock breaking near the front where the sling attaches to it in the cold.The V2 has an adjustable trigger, the optima does not. I hear the optima trigger is pretty good though. The V2 also has the bergara barrel which is supposed to be better.

Who knows, both guns will shoot good. To me, the V2 just felt a lot higher quality for not much more money when I bought it at the time.

I did buy the blackhorn 209 breach plug and shoot that powder. The standard plug is designed for pellets fyi.

I am sure the average shooter probably couldn't tell the difference in the guns though.
Just to clarify the accura v2 has an adjustable trigger which the optima v2 does not they both have the bergara barrel as far as I know and the v2 optima stock does kind of have a more rubbery feeling stock not cheap plastic feeling
I think the optima has the same barrel up to point of the final finishing process which it doesn't get. This is from other forums on the subject.
if the primers went off and nothing else, would it not be an issue of a plugged breech from not cleaning it correctly? heard of this issue before.
Keep a small piece if wire with you in this kind of situation that will fit through the nipple to clear the hole in case it corrodes shut from cleaning solution. It's a very common problem with percussion cap guns.
if the primers went off and nothing else, would it not be an issue of a plugged breech from not cleaning it correctly? heard of this issue before.

Yep. When a gun doesn't fire, it's rarely the guns fault. Were several caps fired before loading to clear the nipple of oil?
I cleaned the nipple before I loaded it and made sure it was clear. I loaded it the first day of the season so it was probably a condensation issue.
I cleaned the nipple before I loaded it and made sure it was clear. I loaded it the first day of the season so it was probably a condensation issue.
Very possible, I leave mine in my truck or garage after loading it and never take it in the house until done and it's cleaned. I have a pretty thick case and it stays under the back seat so even if the cab feels warm, the gun is still cold to the touch. I always fire a couple primers before loading it even if the breach plug looks clean and open just in case some oil has settled around the area coming in contact with the powder.
If you have been out hunting when it was snowing at all then water probably made it past your sabot to your powder. I have loaded mine every day after it snowed and even being careful not to let snow get in the barrel I still found the powder was wet one time behind the sabot from snow melting in the barrel.