Speaking at classic & ISC dinner- suggestions on Keeping iowa great?

I need someone to buy me some time to get rolling again on things in MO. I started the Non-Profit and running for board member position for Conservation Federation of Missouri. I can only do so much while working, staying married and raising kiddos.... Im goign to send out an email today pleading for help.
This is gonna take time. It took many years & many special interest groups to ruin MO. &/or make it far worse. U need help - must happen & u will get it!!! Multiple hands on deck.
Now- on other hand- I think your Org can fix it far quicker than the process took to ruin it. Why???? Because u have a massive amount of support & huge #’s. The special interests almost by definition don’t have that. I’ve never felt & seen more folks clamoring for change & revolution to what’s been done. Folks know deep down “something ain’t right” & the hunger to “make things truly better” is huge & it’s NOW.
I want hunters to unite & agree on “75-80% of issues”. It won’t be all. We have work to do and there’s a lot of common sense things that we can get more on board with. I’m not up there pushing “skips way”. The whole movement is about YOU, next gen, other hunters, leaving things better. Fixing things.
This is just having the info, facts, Dialogue & combining it with a deep understanding of the Midwest & history.
There’s the stuff I said above. But- we are all in this together & it’s the people & movement that will decide where we go with things. One more step to uniting folks & growing movement.
This. Objective material to educate listeners without pushing a certain agenda will go a long way. Looking forward to attending!
BTW - is anyone on here good with power point??? I made the slides & info is on them. But I’m not a guru on a power point slide set. Design & how to lay the words out on them. I know the info - I just don’t know how to do a great power point slide set ;)
I do this for 80% of my job...creating .ppts to deliver to clients and internal teams. I may not have a ton of hours to throw at it but happy to take a look over. Having see quite a few presentations at the classic...as I'm sure u have as well...seems the audience is most tuned in to short clips with accompanying voice over
Will this be recorded and posted to anything later for those not in attendance to watch?