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Farmer brush cleared too much.


New Member
So, I have a dilemma, this is my first year of ownership and am only in the first 6 months of ownership…. I have attached a couple pictures of my property (160 acres) .. the one photo is “without leafs” on onX… and the other is the most recent from 2021 I believe…

Green Shape -20 acres dryland tillable
Red -will be 30 acres -(current state is brush infested pasture)
Blue -could 15 acres (current state-kinda limestone rock and brush infested pasture)

Anyway, the 2 green shapes on the top or north end of the photos are already crop land that has farming history, typically corn/bean rotation this fall will be drilled to alfalfa.

The Red shape is what the farmer and I agreed to and signed the contract to brush clear (lease has a picture of the map in it) so he can plant alfalfa in both green and red shapes... the Blue shape is an area that the farmer was not supposed brush clear but he did thinking that since he cleared it he could also plant the blue in alfalfa too…however I’m not sure that is what’s best… the amount of brush (buckbrush, sumac, locust) I thought would create great additional bedding… but I also see it as could be a good thing to establish farming history as the better long term play.

My question is should I let the farmer plant and drill alfalfa this fall on both the red and blue and create farming history (yes i confirmed with FSA that alfalfa would count as a crop) and just create an amendment to the lease allowing that or how would people suggest handling this?

Bonus question- what would you do with the yellow shape??? It is 4.5acres everything around it in green and red is going to be alfalfa…

I would love some thoughts and advice..


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Just let him do it on that small extra bit of space if it helps him (and if it all passes fsa rules). Seems like a small spot. It's a beautiful looking recreational farm, but as far as farming goes, it looks pretty rough. Either way, doesn't look like its bigger than an acre or 2, can't make a whole lot of difference. Yellow looks like a classic brassica plot. great shape, and lots of access and stand opportunities.
First, I'd have a conversation about what was discussed vs what was actually done...that's something that can get out of hand if not addressed. For the blue, I'd go ahead and get some crop history with future CRP in mind since you've already discussed that with FSA. Yellow looks like it could be a killer plot! Since you'll already have corn/beans and alfalfa, maybe something like a clover/chicory?
Wow what a killer looking property!! I's jealous! If deer are your goal it sounds like you need to get some standing grain in there.
I agree on having the tenant farm the additional area in blue. Long term that gives you the most flexibility with that right half of the property in terms of crp, crop fields, and access. For the yellow area that looks like a great location to try and establish the dbltree rotation. Between now and august you could get the area prepped and ready for planting. Find a buddy to help you with some of the work!

Link to a great thread on the dlbtree rotation.
First, I'd have a conversation about what was discussed vs what was actually done...that's something that can get out of hand if not addressed. For the blue, I'd go ahead and get some crop history with future CRP in mind since you've already discussed that with FSA. Yellow looks like it could be a killer plot! Since you'll already have corn/beans and alfalfa, maybe something like a clover/chicory?
there won’t be any corn/beans it will all be alfalfa.. so my thought with the yellow is trying to get some sort of grain established..
I agree on having the tenant farm the additional area in blue. Long term that gives you the most flexibility with that right half of the property in terms of crp, crop fields, and access. For the yellow area that looks like a great location to try and establish the dbltree rotation. Between now and august you could get the area prepped and ready for planting. Find a buddy to help you with some of the work!

Link to a great thread on the dlbtree rotation.

BK you know you’re the buddy I’d ask to help me. You’re just going to have to take some Fridays off work! But thanks for that link! Looks like I gotta read up.
Wow what a killer looking property!! I's jealous! If deer are your goal it sounds like you need to get some standing grain in there.
Thank you! Yea it is definitely a dream property, with a lot of Potential. I have been thinking bout getting some sun hemp/buckwheat broadcasted here in late june/early to mid July and then come in late august and broadcast grains/soybeans/brassicas/etc and hopefully get something to grow. Then about 3 weeks later broadcast winter wheat/rye.

The soil is not great. But I don’t have the equipment to be able to break up the ground. I got a 4wheeler and sprayer and a couple black boar implements. So just trying to go the no till route and maximize dollars!
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