300+ inches!


PMA Member
Not really a 300" deer, but I did have an awsome week of bow hunting in early November. I saw a lot of deer and connected on these two beautiful ones (one any sex and one land owner tag).

A lot of deer get there age and score estimated on here. I think the estimated scores are usually pretty close, but the ages are all over the place. I think very few people, me included, are any good at field judging age once a deer is 3.5 or more.

Let's have some fun and see who can score (gross) and age these the closest. I will tell you the main frame 8 had 8 sticker points that total 18 inches. He weighed 200 lbs dressed. The ten point is a clean ten that weighed 180 lbs dressed. I have scored both carefully but am not an official scorer. I have come within 2" of official scores on several other deer I have scored, so my score is not likely exact, but pretty close. Both deer have been aged by me and an experienced taxidermist using the lower jaw and comapring to tooth charts. I am going to send in teeth from both for cross section aging, but have not done that yet.

I already have my mounts back so I will post a couple more photo's to help also.
Okay...I can't see my own pictures! I have read the instructions, posted them on the gallery, and selected them from there to put on this thread. They are visible on the gallery. Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this? Posting pics on this site is more complicated than any other site I have ever used.:mad:
I was thinkin more like 155/160 on the 8 and 160 on the 10. The 10 looks alot bigger in the pic on the tree
That has to be the darkest chocolate horns I've ever seen.. Very cool.. Congrats on a couple great bucks..
Fantastic couple of bucks! I'm going 156 on the 8 and 165 on the 10. I might be stretching it on the 10, bit that was my first impression so I'll just go with it.
Man you covered it all with those two bucks! Mass, dark, junk, clean, typical, tall, brows, wide, and on and on!!

Thanks for posting!
Nice deer congrats! I'll go with 320" total. That half rack looks like a big old boy. Is that goofy side broke, or is that all he grew?
I'll go with 157 on the 8 pt. at 5 1/2 yrs. and 161 on the 10 pt. at 3 1/2 yrs. This will be a season to remember! Congratulations!