accessing stands question


If you had to walk across a picked corn field to access your stand for a south wind would you:
A: go across it in the dark and hope you don't bump deer out of the field.or
B: wait till you can see the field is empty and sneak in right after first light.
Thanks for the input guys!
The darker the better. When it's light out, the deer will be standing in the timber watching you go to the stand. At least in the dark, they seem to be less spooky, and they may not watch you get in your stand. Just my opinion.
I hate bumping deer I can't see. I always sneak in with enough light to see ahead, usually getting settled in by shooting time.
Go in with it dark. I've actually had deer come over to check me out and not spook. Like within 10 yards and just turn and walk away.
I'm hunting a draw that runs out into the field. It's a stand I can only hunt in a south wind. I have no access other than the field. I guess I could walk up the draw but it would be loud. It is thick.
Stick to the edges or fence lines if possible. In the dark.

Mobile Cooter using IW
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See you yes. Know what you are maybe. That is why is say stick to stuff that breaks up your outline. I like to walk ditches creeks fence or tree lines to help change my profile. I think they see better than me in the dark. But not perfectly clear.

Mobile Cooter using IW
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I'm hunting a draw that runs out into the field. It's a stand I can only hunt in a south wind. I have no access other than the field. I guess I could walk up the draw but it would be loud. It is thick.
It seems to me you are trying to intercept them going from feeding area to bedding area and if you spook them from the field on the way in the game is over before it starts. If you must use this set-up, use whatever terrain, cover and wind advantage you can and get in as early as possible. If your lucky, that south wind will bring some drizzle with it you can slip in under and when it subsides... games on.
See you yes. Know what you are maybe. That is why is say stick to stuff that breaks up your outline. I like to walk ditches creeks fence or tree lines to help change my profile.

Mobile Cooter using IW

Me too, but it just drives me crazy when I bump deer I cant see, wondering if that was the buck I am hunting. I usually only hunt mornings in november.
6x6 said:
Me too, but it just drives me crazy when I bump deer I cant see, wondering if that was the buck I am hunting. I usually only hunt mornings in november.

So how is it different if you bump them in the afternoon? I don't like bumping deer at all. That's why I stay out until the end of October. Increased buck sightings greatly. Sorry got off subject.

Other option is to stay all night but that is just crazy. But has been done.

Mobile Cooter using IW
Go in the dark. Deer could care less about you then. Walk brief and dont stop. I bet ive walked by at least 50 deer within 20- 50 yards that dont even run or seem to care. Ive never done that in daylight. I also do not beleive many deer are in the fields just before light.
Dark without a question. I echo the others opinions that although deer will likely still see you, they tend to not care when its still dark out. That's my experience at least.
They don't spook in the dark Cuz they know the regs. You can't shoot them in the dark. Only southern Iowa deer spook at night, cuz they get shot at 24/7. :)
I think they think you guys are sasquatch. That doesn't work for this short fat guy.

Mobile Cooter using IW