Age and Score?


Well-Known Member
Couple new bucks, that I've had no experience or history with. Just showed up last weekend. First guy looks like he has great potential, possibly a 3.5yr old. The second joker's neck is absolutely huge and that makes his rack look smaller in my eyes. The next guy is pretty good, he's super wide and got decent tine length along with mass. Whats everyone else think, i think there both mature but the rut makes them sure swell up.



Side view

First deer is an awesome up and comer. I would say a nice 2 1/2 year old there. 125

The 2nd deer is a real good deer. Looks to be fairly wide. Pry 3 1/2 I would guess. Somewhere close to 140
Second one looks like a deer I shot last year. I would say gross 150 and is 3 1/2. First one is no older then 2 1/2 and is only in the 120 130 range. 1 or 2 more years and we will be seein those at the deer classic! Got some good wide genes out there man!
There are actually 3 deer there by the way. I was thinking the 3rd buck would go also around 150's gross.
Ages, anybody's guess but I would put all three at least 3-1/2. Last buck is probably in the 40's but I don't see him making 150. Tines are a little short for that much score IMO. Good width but beams are not reeaaal long so the combo of beams and tines have me guessing in the 40's tops.

Good luck this fall Josh.
I would guess the last one would be in the 140's, he's really wide but the tines don't look so long. I think he might have busted his right brow tine maybe.
Thanks Brent, good luck to you as well!

Sep0667-He's still got both brows
farmer seen him couple nights ago and said he thought the was 23inches plus for the spread which is what i thought. His tines arent overly long but i think his 3's appear to be over 10 inches which is pretty good in my book. He appears to have great mass carried well, I've zoomed in and really looked this buck over and I think he's got alot more than what appears in these photos. Either way he's not getting the pass if he walks by.