All day sits


As I'm currently in the middle of an all day sit, I'm wondering how many times has an all day sit paid off for others. I mean in the form of a buck being killed. I've done quite a few and haven't taken a buck during one yet.
I'm on one too, almost got a shot at a biggun at 1 o clock today, just needed a couple more steps. Last year I killed a 6 year old buck right at noon doing an all day sit. 3 years ago I killed a 7 year old around 3 on an all day sit. I've also sat plenty of them and came up empty handed.
All day sits are awesome when done right at the right time.
Lots of times. Got them in morning noon and right at the end on intended all day sits. And lots of them wind up being all day sits.
I gave up on all day sits in my areas- winds usually are shifting. Usually sit until 10:30 ish, climb down and grab a small snack at the truck, walk back and settle back in 12:30 - 1 ish. Made a huge difference for me- killed several deer between 1:45 and 3 the past few years. Almost all of them after Nov 8
All day sits suck the life out of me lol. I usually hunt morning, take a break and hunt afternoon/evening. When the monsters are out I’ll sit all day if I can. I grunted in a 170” several years ago, only to miss him. I almost always see big deer around 7:30AM and then again around mid morning. Last fall I was about to leave my stand at 10:00AM on the 17th when a gross B&C showed up. Glad I stayed. This weekend I plan to sit all day.
You have to have the right area, but it can be deadly this time of year. I've shot multiple bucks at the 1:00-2:00 time frame. I also go pretty deep on public land, so it doesn't make much sense to hike in and out twice a day. November can give you action any time, but there are downtimes where you go an hour or two without seeing anything.

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Did my first all day sit about 6 years ago. Sat all day without seeing a single deer. Until 3 the buck I was after cruised by without giving me a shot. Been hooked ever since. Deadly tactic, hardest part is staying sharp while on the stand for that long

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I've had two intended all day sits end early with a dead deer late morning.... 10:30-11:00ish. If that counts. Those two were Nov 10th and Nov 17th. Buck on the 10th I blind rattled and he came running in to 10 yards. It had been a couple hours since I'd seen a deer until then. The buck on the 17th I killed basically right in a known bedding area. He came cruising through looking for a doe late morning. Same deal, I hadn't seen a deer in a couple hours until he came through. Thinking back, I know last year I had my #1 skirt me just before 1:00 pm. November sometime, can't remember for sure. So it's definitely paid off for me to be there after the typical "prime time" earlier in the morning.

It's hard to do, even harder when it's cold. It's hard to stay alert. It can be a slog.... seems like you can go stretches without seeing much of anything and you question why you're even there. Why not crawl down and go get a hot lunch? But when it happens it seems to happen all of a sudden. Worth it in my opinion if you can stand to hang in there that long.
All day sits kill me. I wish they didn't, as I'm sure I would kill way nicer and more deer each year. I've just accepted that I hate doing it and I don't. Same thing during turkey season. Just too long and I'm worthless for the next day's hunt. Yep, I'm a wimp.
I’ve done all day sits, but I usually like to switch stands . At age 53, I’m more likely to take an hour break.

My focus level is better if I take a break.
I've done quite a few all day sits, 12 days in Canada (brutal) and about forty times in Illinois. Some days were a bust but quite a few days it was worth the sit. Patients pays off most of the time.
I tend to feel a lot better if I take an hour and regroup have a lunch and maybe relocate if needed. That little break seems to make it a lot more bearable for me.
Sunday was an all day hunt, climbed into the tree before sunrise and my feet didn’t touch the ground until after sunset.

I have things scheduled to break up other days, voted midday yesterday, Dr appt later this afternoon. Plan on going back to all day sits tomorrow. When it’s that time of year and I can get away from work, I’ll take advantage of it.

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