Any ideas what is killing my arborvitaes?

They were dying already in May when we were getting tons of rain. And the neighbor is good about not spraying if the wind is blowing towards the trees, so I don't think its spray. I talked to the district Forrester today and he said im not alone, but they don't really know what is causing it. He said the dnr and Iowa state have been working on it for other people.
I had several 10'-12' tall cedar trees in my road screen die this spring. I have no idea why.KIMG0659.jpg

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Bag worms were horrible this past spring and I notice a load of them again. I also have had those trees and cedars die the past couple of years. In my research of bag worms it says they can kill those trees if bad enough infestation. It looked like Christmas ornaments on all my arborvitaes and cedars in the form of bag worm cocoons.
The only symptom on my trees besides the color turning was the bark split wide open on some of them. The Forrester said that was common with the others that had died.
Too much water as well as too little water can kill them. Could be root rot from poorly drained soil?