Archery league rules?????


New Member
I've never shot an indoor league and know absolutely nothing about them other than they shoot paper targets. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I'm looking into setting up a small league with some local friends. What is usually the way this is gone about as far as scoring, type of target, number of shots taken, etc? I could just get some targets and make up my own rules, but I thought I'd try to learn what others are doing. I have access to a 20 yard indoor range. Any recommendations on making it more interesting would be appreciated. I told the guys we'd all throw in $20 and buy a sporting goods gift card for the point leader after a month of shooting.
You can shoot 3-d's, paper targets or 300's. Depends on what you are wanting to do! Our 300 league has really taken off and this is my first year ever trying one. It is a lot of fun and really makes you focus. You shoot a lot of arrows and it takes a couple of hours but is well worth it!

We score ours as white is 5 blue is 4 and outside that is zero, Middle circle(x) is a 5 x!

You shoot 60 arrows, 5 arrows per round! The go down and score!
Maybe I'll try a 150 round, half the time right? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Everyone shooting is primarily a bowhunter, I might loose their interest if it takes much more than an hour.

The 300 sounds like fun to me though. Is that what the olympic archers shoot?
You could do half the time if you wanted! Not sure exactly what they do in the olympics. I am just learning all this stuff too! It is a lot of fun, and you can sure challenge each other!

Also, you can get paper animal targets if you want to. We have a lot of people shoot those for fun as well! There are a ton of different things to do that can make for a fun league!
I help out with a league every Monday night. We shoot at paper 3D targets that we make ourselves. We shoot 48 total arrows. 5 points for a hit in the circle, 3 points for body, and 0 for miss. 240 possible points per night. We have a pretty small setup and we get 20 shooters through in about 2 hours. Nobody is in too big of a hurry.
I shot indoor league when I was in elementary/junior high. We did the 300 shooting with number of x's used as tie-breakers.
The league I shoot is a blast! We have two man teams, plus there are prizes for the best individual shooters also. We shoot 30 arrows "20 yds" at paper targets "5 points for white" 4 points for blue" 0 points if you hit outside the blue. Then we move into the 20 yd Dart System to shoot 30 arrows at live scenarios on the big screen. Some weeks you may be shooting big Mulies or Whitetail. The next week could be African game or Elk. Grass, brush and other animals can make these shots very tricky as you can shoot a NEGATIVE 5 if you take a poor shot angle or shoot through brush. Good way to beat the post season blues and get polished up for the rubber-necks this spring! "Thumbs up"
We are shooting down at "Whitetail Archery" in Agency. Forgot to mention that we also uses the "X's" as tie-breakers.
League shooting is a blast. There isn't anything else to do at night this time of the year so why not give it a try. I shoot in two right now. I am shooting the 300 league at Double A and target/3D at Jim's in Waverly. Last year was my first year doing it and I am hooked!
Skully, is this something that is too late to get into at this point? If so do you know of any other indoor leagues close to Albia/Monroe County? Thanks in Advance.
It's never to late if you have a strong arm. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif We are 5 weeks into the league but if you wanted to start now you could shoot two rounds per night or drop in two diff nights a week to shoot until you get caught up. We are shooting 60 arrows a night for score. 120 shots can wear you out but I know guys that do it to stay caught up. Jump on in, its a blast!
I've got ours lined up and ready to go. Looking forward to it. We're getting a late start, so it's only gonna be a 4 week league in March.