Best pole saw on the market


Ok guys, I need your input here as I need a new pole saw for trimming out shooting lanes next season? What is the best saw on the market as far as quality, versitility, and compactness? So far the Hooyman ten footer is my front runner. Any thoughts/advice?
Are you looking to trim these lanes before the season or are these going to be hang and hunt the same day set ups? If it is going to be pre-hung before the hunt I would get something that will go much higher than the 10ft hooeyman. I have a fiskars of some sort and it works well. I believe it goes up to 16feet. I also have the hooeyman 5 footer for those same day set ups.
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Ok- I am NOT joking, in my 20 years of hunting (I'm now 32) me and my bros have been through over 50 tree trimmers, I am not exaggerating. We are hard on them BUT there' sure some that break FAR faster than others- in most cases, we'd usually EXCHANGE for new ones (probably 3-6 per year - we've also probably hung a few hundred stands over the years which is excessive - new land, moving them, moving to new state, etc). OK- for the 50-90 category (CONSUMER GRADE), we returned DOZENS of the Fiskers, we used several types of the Fiskers- all with about equal results. THEN I spent a little more and got Corona, I think this one: , I'd say we returned these 75% less often, like we'd go through 4 fiskers before we went through 1 Corona. BUT, I still got sick of returning anything.....
If you are hard-core to the least degree, get PROFESSIONAL or COMMERCIAL GRADE stuff!!!!!!!...

Leads us to 4 years ago. I spent $300 roughly + I bought replacement BLADES, SPRINGS, ROPE, ETC I wanted something hard core. It is heavier in weight SO we also bring our $80 Corona for lighter stuff. Here's what I got. Instead of returning several trimmers PER YEAR - I've gone 4 years on ONE trimmer & it cuts stuff twice as big and with my REACH I can get about 25-28 feet in the air (3 extension levels)....

The 1st part is just the head (which is nice because if you break the head OR the pole, you can buy them all seperate) - this head is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!.......

OK, the POLE, you can get any brand as long as that standard head above fits- we bought one that was about 8' BUT it tripled in size AND was super amazing strong even when tripled. OK- I could NOT find the one we bought, here's one that LOOKS somewhat similar- can get a pole that's 20.5 in 4 sections, I really think this looks good, expensive but good. Whole deal with head will be about 350-ish, well worth it....

Maybe this option is good?
In my opinion Fiskars are the worst saws I have ever used, no offense to anyone who likes them.

I have a 5 foot Hooeyman and it's the best saw I've ever used, period. The blade is deadly sharp and I can cut through large (8-10 in) diameter trees/branches very quickly. If I need it any longer I tie it to a 8 foot branch with zip ties or Dor's Kwik Straps work great.

I'd only get a 10 footer for pre season stuff, the 5 footer stays in my pack. Fantastic piece of equipment.
I need to get a new saw blade for my Hooeyman. I must of got one of the first ones they made because I usually have better luck hitting branches with the dang thing and breaking them than actually cutting through them :)
I need to get a new saw blade for my Hooeyman. I must of got one of the first ones they made because I usually have better luck hitting branches with the dang thing and breaking them than actually cutting through them :)

So it will cause you 8 stitches and a giant gash on your head but you can't get it to cut branches?

Operator error? ISU alum right? :way:
So it will cause you 8 stitches and a giant gash on your head but you can't get it to cut branches?

Operator error? ISU alum right? :way:

Nah, I cut my head open with the Fiskars :D I think that is why I think they are sharp as heck. They probably aren't but I will guarantee you that they will slice through your head like a hot knife in butter. :drink2:
I'm surprised the Fiskers dind't break when it hit your noggin, I hate those saws.
I don't even know if it is a Fiskars to be honest with you. If I was a betting man, it is most likely a look a like because I am cheap. All I know is it is orange like the Fiskars I have used in the past.
Are you looking to trim these lanes before the season or are these going to be hang and hunt the same day set ups? If it is going to be pre-hung before the hunt I would get something that will go much higher than the 10ft hooeyman. I have a fiskars of some sort and it works well. I believe it goes up to 16feet. I also have the hooeyman 5 footer for those same day set ups.

I pack in my Lone Wolf hang-on + sticks to hunt. However, I like to hang and trim each set in the spring before it gets green. Most of my stand locations are a 1/2-1 mile hike so by the time I pack my stand, sticks, and everything else I need to prep a tree it's a pain to try to pack in my 8-20' telescoping pole saw(which is now broke). So I was hoping to find something easier to pack in without sacrificing too much reach.
Get a Marvin!!!

Fiskars suck and will break or hinges go bad. Though they always feel great that first day.

Speaking from experience (I was a landscaper for 10 years), you'll want to order a head online, and screw it onto your own extendable pole you can buy at any Menards or Fleet Farm (I wish they had more Fleet Farms in Iowa...Theissens blows!). Ordering just a head only, you'll be able to afford a top-of-the-line model without breaking the bank.

I do have a Hooyman, and I like it for portability, but not practicality.

The link above is to A.M. Leonard, which is a very good website and catalog for landscape supplies, but I'm sure you can find it cheaper on Google Shopping.

...and you definitely want one with a rope. When you extend a saw all the way, it's difficult to get leverage you need to cut a branch. A rope makes this much easier.

Hope this helps.
Most of my stand locations are a 1/2-1 mile hike so by the time I pack my stand, sticks, and everything else I need to prep a tree

Oh, if that's the case, I'd be getting the smallest/lightest saw you can find, forget my earlier post. I trim in spring and summer with 2 of my bros SO that's why I have my tank of a saw.
Silky Saws are without a doubt the best on the market. They extend up to 20ft and have unbelievably sharp blades. Cost around 300.00
i have a Silky and love it - got it for around $220 5 years ago and havn't had any problems or used a different long saw yet. You can almost reach the stars and cut em down with that thing.