Can someone lend me some wisdom?


Yesterday was a very nerve wracking day for me. Couple months ago dentist referred me to an oral surgeon because my wisdom teeth are all jacked up. Man I feel like a chipmunk with my cheeks all puffed up, but the drugs are good!

I feel for ya man....I had mine yanked when I was in the military, and I'd be willing to bet my experience wasn't as nice as yours. I think at one point the "Doctor" was standing on my jaw using a come-along...............military dentists suck!!! At least you got some good medication out of it, it'll be over before ya know it.
I feel for ya!

I only had two wisdom teeth, but both needed pulled at different times. The second had hooked roots and it needed busted into pieces to be extracted. The dentist/orthodontist was up on the chair, asking me to brace myself so he could get more leverage! During the extraction, he busted out some of my jaw bone. When the gum grew back after the surgery (and dry socket), it left a pocket behind my last molar. This pocket trapped food and my current dentist suggested I have an orthodontist look at it. Sure enough, she recommended surgery because I was at risk of losing the molar to gum disease. I went in about two months ago and she split the gum, folded it open, then ground down the jaw bone to flatten it out, folded the gum flaps closed and stitched them together. I'm all healed up now. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif I wish I would have gotten meds. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

I feel for you and hope it works out for you!
It'll be over before you know it. Atleast the worst of it is already over. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

Wow JNR nothing like making a guy more scared of the dentist than he already is.

Jerad, what happened? Doesnt look like any swelling...look like normal to me /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif haha...I feel for you, I got lucky and all of mine came in just fine...
Boy I could sit here and type 5 pages of horror stories from the military dentists. Howver I will just tell you this one.

First visit to the dentist at my new base she told me that I had 8 cavities that needed filled before I could be deployed. The earliest they could get me in was a month away so I scheduled my appt and waited. A month later I go into the office and there is a full bird colonel that was seeing me and not the captian from before. The colonel asked me what my appt was for and I told him I had 8 cavities that needed filled. He looked at my x-ray and then back at me and with a puzzled looked says......."you dont a have a single cavity." I got my teeth cleaned and out the door I went. Found out that the captian had a trainee and wanted to use my grill so the Lt. could get her OJT record signed off.
Hmm... I had all four of mine yanked in college, took under 20 minutes and I ate solid food that night. Got lucky I guess.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can someone lend me some wisdom? </div></div>

It appears noone has any. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

You'll be fine....If I had any wisdom to spare, you'd be at the top of the list.
Heres some wisdom- Smoke a pack of cigarettes and get a extra thick milk shake. While your at it get some painkillers. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Just kidding you will be fine. My buddy just got his 4 wisdom teeth pulled Thursday. Today we hunted arrowheads for 9 hours and he never said a thing about his teeth.Although he was pretty swollen still. You will be eating steak before you know it!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JNRBRONC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You da man, Muddy! </div></div>

I'd call it getting lucky. All four were 100% in and easily accessible. I can't imagine what it'd be like having them busted up to be taken out. I get the heebie jeebies when someone scrapes a metal fork on their teeth.
I still look like a chipmunk but a bud light tasted dang good tonight.

The worst part about the whole thing was when they told me I had to have the stitches out a week after my procedure. Lets see, that puts that at this coming friday, what could I possibly have going on that day? I think when I told the gal I was hunting turkeys that day she thought I was still drugged up. If she wasnt so cute I would have told her to take a leap.
Only wisdom I can impart is get 'em all done at once or you might not go back. And be sure and use that little syringe thingy they send home with you to keep the crap flushed outa the socket.

Now for my horror story. I told 'em when I went in to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed at once that I'm pretty sensitive to the sedation meds they were gonna use. They gave me the dose for a normal guy my size. Four hours later they still couldn't wake me up but they sent me home anyway because the office was closing. My wife, at the time, poured me into the car and I started puking on the way home. Between the meds and the blood I had swallowed I was pukeing my guts up for a couple of hours. Think for a moment about the pressure vomiting casues in your head/face. The more I puked, the more I'd bleed and the more I'd bleed the more I'd swallow and the more I'd swallow the more I'd puke. My wife was a nurse so she called up the oral suregon, who was an ass to her, so she called a doctor friend and got a prescription for compazine to help me stop pukeing. Problem was, I couldn't take it orally so she got me a suppository, The ex, even though she wasn't an ex at the time, got even with me for every thing I had ever done to piss her off. I swear she put that thing on the end of a Louisville Slugger and rammed it up to my transverse colon with out the aid of any lubrication. I did stop pukeing and the pain in my rectal area made me forget about the pain in my face.

Then a few weeks later a felt something very sharp on the edge of one of the sockets. I worked on it with my tongue for a few days and thought maybe I should go back to have the oral asshole look at it. I decided I could take care of it myself. I went to the garage and found my smallest set of channel lock pliers. I tied to grab on to it but there just wasn't enough sticking out. So I let it go for a few more days and tried again. I was finally able to get a grip on it and I pulled for all I was worth. He had left one of the roots in. Didn't hurt too much and only bled for a couple of hours then I was fine.

I could tell you about my attempt at self extration of another tooth but you wouldn't belive me. Lets just say I was unsuccessful, not from lack of trying, but from a lack of skill and inadaquate pain control. Its hard to hold the pliers steady and get a good grip after self administerd aneshtsia.

As far as you guys complainin about military dentisits, my Dad was a lifer in the Navy. I freakin came by my fear of Dentists legitimately. You think it was bad for you? Try bein in that postion when you were 7. Then you will understand my attempts at self extrication.

The 'Bonker
Wisdom teeth and kidney stones two things that make me sick to my stomach.
I thought wisdom teeth were the worst, especially when the lady climbed on me (kinda exciting) then she asked for the chisel and hammer and proceeded to smack the hell out of my gum. Then about a month ago I had a kidney stone, I almost chewed on my 10mm and pulled the trigger!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Aim-n-High</div><div class="ubbcode-body">LMAO thats great. Lousville slugger. Gotta love it! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif </div></div>

In medical terms would that be considered "blunt-force trauma"??? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I did stop pukeing and the pain in my rectal area made me forget about the pain in my face.

My face now hurts from laughing. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Then about a month ago I had a kidney stone, I almost chewed on my 10mm and pulled the trigger!


I feel your pain!!!

I just got done with a kidney stone about a month ago as well.

At the time it would have been hard to convince me that a gun shot wound hurt more then that damn kidney stone did.

I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.