Day at the Capitol- CROSSBOWS- Action on writing in!!!! PASS THIS ON!!!!

THIS is how many bills I’ve watched go down in flames in front of my very eyes. Thanks to you all & standing up to the folks that want to exploit our state! ;)
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If they throw 10 at us, we’ll be there & I got the fingers.. we have the effort, FACTS & we are GROWING in strength!!!!
Maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't see which idiotic bills crashed and burned vs. which idiotic bills are still left to fight?
Maybe I'm an idiot, but I don't see which idiotic bills crashed and burned vs. which idiotic bills are still left to fight?
Here’s bills YOU ALL GOT KILLED….
1) increased amount NR tags
2) allotted outfitter tags
3) air bows for deer
4) rifles for turkeys

I got to debate & go to Capitol on a few. We started the session where they “had a good shot”. By end of debate & discussion TWO others not above were killed.

One of worst ones…. & the writing in also made a massive difference!!!….. ANY LANDOWNER GETS 2 TAGS TO AUCTION OFF TO HIGHEST NR BIDDER!!!! That was the WORST BILL OF THE SEASON!!!!!!! PERIOD!!!
If SF553 passes (the “I identify as NR family so get tags”) - the above bill that died (auction tags) will be back next year to add on to this and iowa as we know it is done. Over. No BS. It’s as many as 60,000 more NR tags!!! It will be no less than 10,000 at bare bones minimum. Likely way more…. It’s that bad. If it happens… Iowa is now IL but worse since we have so much less habitat & deer. Good by to residents having anywhere to go- DONE!!! It’s that bad.

I’ll say it quietly here…. Don’t let off the gas…. The crossbow one got killed. Now- things can change & people in politics have been known to not be truthful (I know - surprise!!! Crazy right?!??). But- I think we killed it. Don’t let up. Folks like us VS 2 paid lobbyists- we winning or won.

SF516 & SF553 (guys, SF553 is our worst nightmare. By long shot the worst bill remaining!!!!!!!!!!) are still hanging on. We MUST KILL THEM!!!! All in. Brutal attack. As many folks as possible writing in. They need to know hunters just woke up. I assure u- many are realizing this right now!!!!!! Senate got swamped. Now we need to swamp the house!!!! Still add SF208 just cause “ya never know”.

After this year…. I PROMISE- it’s a new game. This isn’t going to be only defense anymore. OFFENSE is going to happen. We are growing & we have wheels in motion for OFFENSE next year!!!

This was the message I got emailed to me by a fantastic member of the house after the crossbow debate. Lot of other discussion I’ll leave out…. This is important part. Think we won but never say never.
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Thanks Skip for all of your efforts to preserve Iowa’s great hunting - both from a quality and access/opportunity perspective. Especially when you’ve worked so hard for the land that you have and don’t ‘have to’ on a personal level. I’ve written in also - thanks again.
I have only received responses from 3 senators on SF516. One was from my senator (R) who just said he would pass my comments on the floor manager - whatever that means. Two others (D) responded with details on why they agreed and would vote "no". It is starting to seem like the best allies for hunters at the capital are democrats.

Thanks again IBA and Skip!
Let’s hope that Skips work and all the emails will make a difference!! Should know more Friday once the dust settles if Iowa will stay the course or _ _ _ _ _ _ up for life
Some may not agree with the strategy, and it probably wouldnt have a bit of difference, but along with writing our Iowa legislators I also went to the Raven website and submitted a comment to their media dept, again it obviously fell of deaf ears but I felt a little better for having done it, basically told them that due to their antics I will never purchase one of their products and to butt out of Iowa.
Some may not agree with the strategy, and it probably wouldnt have a bit of difference, but along with writing our Iowa legislators I also went to the Raven website and submitted a comment to their media dept, again it obviously fell of deaf ears but I felt a little better for having done it, basically told them that due to their antics I will never purchase one of their products and to butt out of Iowa.
^^^^^ I LOVE THIS!!!!!! THIS IS OFFENSE!!!! These are creative ideas that I love to see!!!! Thank u!!! Anyone else- this is fantastic idea!!!!

BTW- SF516 just went up in smoke. Got several emails and calls on that.

I believe the main & worst bill remaining is sf553!!!! By far the worst. Has to go down.

Good job everyone. Props. David vs Goliath & we won. After this session, David is getting on steroids!!!!! ;)
Some may not agree with the strategy, and it probably wouldnt have a bit of difference, but along with writing our Iowa legislators I also went to the Raven website and submitted a comment to their media dept, again it obviously fell of deaf ears but I felt a little better for having done it, basically told them that due to their antics I will never purchase one of their products and to butt out of Iowa.
Excellent idea. Now then...who owns Ravin? Is it a conglomerate? Cuz...we may want to send more letters.
  • Deleted by Ishi
Ravin doesn’t care about Iowa residents. It’s about money. We’re all vertical bow shooters until we’re not via age, gravity and injury. Iowa is no different and they know that. There’s plenty of people in that category that keeps the company rolling.
Excellent idea. Now then...who owns Ravin? Is it a conglomerate? Cuz...we may want to send more letters.


There’s 2 main guys running it- KELLY GRINDLE & one other guy. They meet with lobbyists in iowa “so, if we spend $200k on lobbying, in a few years we can make “$________. DO IT!!!!” Few million profit for sure. It’s sad. But- at least we know what’s going on. It’s clear as day what they up to. At the capital last week- they stated all this stuff. They are not shy about their intentions!!!!!! VERBATUM or close …. “I’m lobbyist for Ravin crossbows…. Yes we want to sell more crossbows…… We want a slippery slope so this legislation leads to crossbows for everyone being put in archery season in iowa…. “. This is pretty much a short version of almost exactly what they said. Using their own words almost to a T.

Right after they gave that statement I got to respond. It was fun to respond to that beauty!!!!!! We had several rounds of back & fourth…. Truth prevails.
I do believe we got this bill killed. At the end of that day the feedback was “this bill just got killed”. I hope it’s true. This is what needs to Happen & what’s RIGHT!!! This is “RIGHT VS WRONG” IMO with this whole process RIGHT is winning. The fight with them is NOT over. We won the battle for now. We need to be organized, play offense & I believe we can win the war.
