Derecho effect?


Well-Known Member
I was out scouting the other day and noticed a good many acorns on the ground. I started looking up and was seeing barely any left in the trees. Made me wonder how/if it will affect deer in my area. If all the acorns are on the ground now (blown out) how will things be come season when I'm normally honing in on acorn flats?

Same with flat corn... will farmers plow that under or chop it all for silage and be less in the fields come late season?
I noticed a lot fewer deer in the beans last week, I’m sure with the freshly blown over trees and acorns there’s plenty to eat without coming outside right now. I’ve blamed acorns for the so called October Lull, will be interesting to see if we notice a difference come fall.

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"Same with flat corn... will farmers plow that under or chop it all for silage and be less in the fields come late season?"

I have read since the storm that if the stalk was not broken it will continue to grow as normal and can be harvested. Seems odd but I did read that......
"Same with flat corn... will farmers plow that under or chop it all for silage and be less in the fields come late season?"

I have read since the storm that if the stalk was not broken it will continue to grow as normal and can be harvested. Seems odd but I did read that......
Also federal crop insurance policy comes into effect. It is my understanding they have to attempt to harvest to get their insurance check. No clue how that is going to happen with millions of acres of flat corn. Will be a nightmare for farmers and I would imagine the broken stuff will begin to mold.
The corn is done growing at this point...has been for a couple weeks now. The issue with the downed corn will be the drying factor. Will the corn ever dry correctly? We don't know that yet. Its going to be a very SLOW harvest this year, a lot of the fields that were affected will have to combined one way and at half the mph, so a farmer that could do 80 acres a day will now be lucky to get 30 acres done....I have some customers that have already disced some of their corn in....All of the farmers i have come in contact with still do not have an answer from the insurance companies, no one really knows whats going to far as corn molding it all has to do with what stage the corn was in and what the maturity rate bow season basically went bye bye in 45 mins of time....sad
No flat corn down by me. Seems like when I get into Parts of state without hills (flat) - that’s where I always see the corn go flat. The drive between Des Moines & Ames & N of Ames... I think I’ve seen flat corn 3 or 4 years. It’s WIDE OPEN & FLAT areas. Get down in hilly areas- I don’t recall seeing flat corn. Maybe some folks got it & that sucks.

acorns down now... yep- I’d agree with above. Wind or stress on trees - either are possible. All it will do is speed up acorn eating by couple weeks. Ya- by bow season - most be gobbled up I’d guess. Always something!
Better than last year I guess.... lot of folks were complaining of dead deer laying all over. I’d take corn & acorns over dead deer any day.
If you hunt a field that has been chopped up, make sure to check with the DNR first, i seen something up out by the DNR about duck and goose hunting over these type of fields would be considered hunting over bait and would be illegal.
Well they may have been determined to be AG. but that is convenient because who is to say what plots are for? Deer,or for humans. Especially large plots. But placing artificial food out for the feeding and killing of deer is baiting. No matter how it's done. With a disk or a pail. More respectable baiting by some opinions,, ,,but Baiting.
Well they may have been determined to be AG. but that is convenient because who is to say what plots are for? Deer,or for humans. Especially large plots. But placing artificial food out for the feeding and killing of deer is baiting. No matter how it's done. With a disk or a pail. More respectable baiting by some opinions,, ,,but Baiting.
That's a pretty far stretch imo. Is cutting down trees releasing TONS of food baiting too? I have a hard time considering anything that has roots growing in the ground baiting.
To each there own opinion. In Mich they had it you couldn't hunt near an apple tree dropping apples. You had to pick them up. To me it's a joke. Somebody can dump a little corn on the ground across a field and it's baiting. On the other hand someone can plant a twenty acre corn field,set cameras out to figure out where deer enter. Put up barriers to funnel deer. Set stands at strategic points, and this is not baiting?. Give me a break. Had an officer tell me. In AG country,,no way to prove what's for humans or deer. Not to mention the subject of "Fair Chase"..All the technology involved with hunting today. what is Fair chase anyway? Too each their own opinion.
To each there own opinion. In Mich they had it you couldn't hunt near an apple tree dropping apples. You had to pick them up. To me it's a joke. Somebody can dump a little corn on the ground across a field and it's baiting. On the other hand someone can plant a twenty acre corn field,set cameras out to figure out where deer enter. Put up barriers to funnel deer. Set stands at strategic points, and this is not baiting?. Give me a break. Had an officer tell me. In AG country,,no way to prove what's for humans or deer. Not to mention the subject of "Fair Chase"..All the technology involved with hunting today. what is Fair chase anyway? Too each their own opinion.
Also from MI and ya this is false info the same as hunting acorns falling from Oak sure do come up with some interesting posts! Btw we are still in a drought in case you were curious