Do land owners have any say?


PMA Member
I have just recently bought a little 15 acre chunk of ground. I am trying to keep people off it so the little bucks have a place to get away from the heavy pressure of shot gun season. I had a phone call saturday that there were guys on my land which is heavily posted. Somebody told them they better get permission before they went in there, but they said they wounded a deer and it ran on my land so they didn't need permission. I know it is legal to persu a wounded deer. My question is do they need to inform the land owner, and can I make them show me proof. Like a blood trail. My land is surrounded by my father in laws so it is a nice little secluded area. But it doesn't take much to get them out if somebody steps foot in it. To me its a law that needs some tweeking it gives liers the rite to go any where. I've even heard of some gruops carring viels blood and dumping them on the property line so they can get in to a posted property. What are my rights as a land owner.
They don't have to ask you if they are following a downed animal but if you see them you can demand to see their license. Also they should go in unarmed.
They can trail a wounded animal witout getting permission as long as the person or group is not armed with a weapon.
By law they have to leave their guns behind to track an animal that has been shot.That is any game from rabbits to deer.I try to stop by the land owners home if they live local or call to inform them that I need to track a deer.That way I can still take my bow or firearm in,and can take a follow up shot if needed.Tresspassing is just as bad or worse the the poaching talked about in anohter post.I have hunted all over the state,and it seems that you always have a group of locals that think they have the right to hunt any where they please. It creates a safety issue for everyone and always screws up a hunt for the people doing it the rigt way.
Just like Jethro said they can trail a wounded animal as long as they are not armed. I think common curtesy would go a long way in those situations. People would get a lot further if they just told the land owner what was going on and just letting the owner know why they are there.
I think common curtesy would go a long way in those situations. People would get a lot further if they just told the land owner what was going on and just letting the owner know why they are there.

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I have had a couple of situations where I have to track a deer onto someone else's prpoerty. Only one did I not contact the landowner and let them know what was going on. The one time I didn't it was because I could see the deer expired about 70 yards accross the fence. The few times that I did contact the landowners and let them know what was going on they really appreciated that I let them know and had no problem letting me retrieve it.
Isn't there something that states only the hunter that wounded the animal may track in un-armed?

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Isn't there something that states only the hunter that wounded the animal may track in un-armed?

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...and in some states (like this one) you can't go on someone's private property without their permission - even to track a wounded animal.
Thanks for all the reply's. I have also shot a deer that went on somebodys land. Then went to the neighboring land owner and got permission, just the kind of guy I'am. I guess I'm more talking about the guy that says he hit a deer and probably hadn't even fired a shot. So if I'm correct nobody said the had to show you proof or the DNR if they come after the fact. I don't mind the legal guy that is legit. It's the liars and poachers I can't stand.
Several years ago we had one of the hunting product producers (the guys that have the green and yellow trucks)lease land next to where we hunted.They hung stands right on the fence lines where their only shots would be on our property.The old boy that owned the land said one day they knocked on the door to see if they could track an animal,which he gave them permission.At least they asked.We never found any sign that they had hit anything,I think they just wanted to jump on the land,since every year we had bucks in 150 to 200 inch range.I never have bought videos,just because I do not want to line their pockets so they can lease more land that the working guy will loose access to!(Sorry I will get off my soapbox now.)P.S.We lost this land to a lease after 15 year of hunting it.