Egyptian Wheat

Sure can.
Few other things folks seem to ask... Obviously don't mix roundup when EW is up and growing. Of course. Another scenario- if guys are smothered with broadleafs & EW is already growing well- u can mix 2,4-d (just a ? I hear a lot- again, make sure the plant is established well and got some height before using 2,4-d and only if u need it with bad broadleaf problem). But to the original ?, yep. No prob. Atrazine does not hurt corn, EW, etc while growing. It's a pre emergent spray (meaning it keeps things from coming up that have not came up yet. Can apply to things like EW or corn before or after planting. Before is the most common practice. Atrazine generally is not meant for killing existing vegetation of any type that's already growing. It does however kill certain types of broadleafs that are there and growing & if applied heavily (sometimes with crop oil) it can sometimes kill existing foxtail, etc., etc.
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Is there anything one can spray on EW and Milo that has a ton of grasses in it? Mine is struggling but it could be something that I did incorrectly on my end. We have had a lot of rain and cool days but Gunny's is doing well just a half hour away.
Don't forget that someone's will always be bigger than yours tony.

I have some spotty patches in mine, where I assume that I didn't get enough N down to give it the jump it needed to get ahead of the weeds/grasses. I did not spay mine with atrazine, so I guess that serves we right. Other than the weeds, its looking good!!!
Here's few things I'd do.... U may have a shot with atrazine & crop oil. Even though not for grass id add 2,4-d (several reasons). U may read label on quinclorac - I do know it is somewhat effective on grab grass & fox tail in switch. If safe on corn u could add that.
Your "best Solution" - u should google "herbicides for killing grass in non gmo corn" and see the options. Those will likely work on EW and I can't remember off top of head what they r. Grass in EW is bad news. Sucks. I mean- if u can't get any herbicides to work (which I think u can) u could blast with some treated urea, hoe it by hand (yes, I know- not practical if u have a vast area but on a small scale could be only option) and hope the EW quickly blows past grass. It usually does. The only reason it would not is if grass competition is too great- which is a real threat.
Quick question,
I planted EW and sorghum two weekends ago which included fertilizer that I disked in and sprayed with atrazine. No rain until possibly now. Should I spray again and fertilize this weekend and possibly replant or will I be okay? Thanks guys.
I say you're fine. If you disced in, you're good, N not going anywhere. If atrazine had clean soil to stick to, you are fine.
I say you're fine. If you disced in, you're good, N not going anywhere. If atrazine had clean soil to stick to, you are fine.

I followed everything to a "T". The soil was clean and I disced in the Urea and then raked in the seed which helped also. Everything was then cultipacked. Just missed a rain by a few miles.
Don't matter a lick then. The Urea/N is happy as a clam under the soil. Seeds are patiently waiting for a rain (very well could germinate without a rain to be honest). Atrazine is stuck like glue to that soil - you have a recipe for a good stand unless something else went wrong or goes wrong. sounds good to me though. time & lack of rain for a couple weeks isn't your problem. Sounds great
Thanks Skip.
This stand didn't do so well last year so I made sure I followed the book this year and actually went less (because I have a habit of doing more) to see if that was my problem. Real good rain last night. Maybe to good but I will see what happens in time.
Thank you,
Don't matter a lick then. The Urea/N is happy as a clam under the soil. Seeds are patiently waiting for a rain (very well could germinate without a rain to be honest). Atrazine is stuck like glue to that soil - you have a recipe for a good stand unless something else went wrong or goes wrong. sounds good to me though. time & lack of rain for a couple weeks isn't your problem. Sounds great

Plan B. I can't find anything around here that will kill the grasses from my COOP. Any suggestions.
Hmmmm. I'd research post emergent herbicides for sorghum or milo see what come up with. What type of grasses? There's a "chance" u could spray it all with atrazine, crop oil & even add 2,4-d (broadleaf killer but would stress those annual grasses u don't like.). This combo has potential to kill. Depending on what's there. I know a little research may help as well for specific post emergents. Now- off the top of my head- I'd see if ur grass is killed on the Qinclorac label. If it is- if u had all the time in world & effort.... I'd do quinclorac, atrazine, crop oil, possibly 2,4-d and spread some treated urea on it. Likely your weeds have been eating up the N and it sure would help.
EW Likes "dry" so if we get drier, u very well could still see it blow past the weeds. Purely depends on what type and how bad though. What type of weeds & a pic always help if able. Good luck.
Hmmmm. I'd research post emergent herbicides for sorghum or milo see what come up with. What type of grasses? There's a "chance" u could spray it all with atrazine, crop oil & even add 2,4-d (broadleaf killer but would stress those annual grasses u don't like.). This combo has potential to kill. Depending on what's there. I know a little research may help as well for specific post emergents. Now- off the top of my head- I'd see if ur grass is killed on the Qinclorac label. If it is- if u had all the time in world & effort.... I'd do quinclorac, atrazine, crop oil, possibly 2,4-d and spread some treated urea on it. Likely your weeds have been eating up the N and it sure would help.
EW Likes "dry" so if we get drier, u very well could still see it blow past the weeds. Purely depends on what type and how bad though. What type of weeds & a pic always help if able. Good luck.

I will see if I have time to take one tonight. Grass is grass. :) A few other people are having problems with it in the area. I agree on the heat.
I will see if I have time to take one tonight. Grass is grass. :) A few other people are having problems with it in the area. I agree on the heat.

I looked up Quinclorac label on my phone to recall some old memories on weed species targeted.. Really quick glance.... I'm thinking that's the ticket. FOX TAIL for example - BAM. Grabgrass, etc, etc, etc . No - grass isn't grass but I'd bet you 75% sure it's killable with Quinclorac if I was a gambling man - based on what types of grasses like to grow through Atrazine, almost sure. For example, foxtail is a common one to go through atrazine. Quinclorac, atrazine, crop oil and I'd do 2,4-d & last... I'd either put on treated urea, slow release OR just go to any hardware store/lawn store & buy "weed & feed" which essentially has treated urea with 2,4-D in it. Remember, with EW - usually guys are planting "strips", 1/50th to 1/10th an acre for example is fairly common. Well, babying that is CHEAP. That's what I'd do if it were me. Heck, you could even bring some water tanks and possibly knock a big strip out with a back pack sprayer with a little finesse.
Quinclorac, I'm sure can be bought online. It's a granular soluble that comes in containers you mix in sprayer. Easy, cheap, effective and just mix with some atrazine & crop oil & possibly 2,4-d and replace N that's been robbed by weeds. Sounds complicated but it's not. Good luck though.
I looked up Quinclorac label on my phone to recall some old memories on weed species targeted.. Really quick glance.... I'm thinking that's the ticket. FOX TAIL for example - BAM. Grabgrass, etc, etc, etc . No - grass isn't grass but I'd bet you 75% sure it's killable with Quinclorac if I was a gambling man - based on what types of grasses like to grow through Atrazine, almost sure. For example, foxtail is a common one to go through atrazine. Quinclorac, atrazine, crop oil and I'd do 2,4-d & last... I'd either put on treated urea, slow release OR just go to any hardware store/lawn store & buy "weed & feed" which essentially has treated urea with 2,4-D in it. Remember, with EW - usually guys are planting "strips", 1/50th to 1/10th an acre for example is fairly common. Well, babying that is CHEAP. That's what I'd do if it were me. Heck, you could even bring some water tanks and possibly knock a big strip out with a back pack sprayer with a little finesse.
Quinclorac, I'm sure can be bought online. It's a granular soluble that comes in containers you mix in sprayer. Easy, cheap, effective and just mix with some atrazine & crop oil & possibly 2,4-d and replace N that's been robbed by weeds. Sounds complicated but it's not. Good luck though.

Thanks Skip. Depending if my ATV gets fixed or not I will try it. How much of each are you thinking?
Thanks Skip. Depending if my ATV gets fixed or not I will try it. How much of each are you thinking?

I'd just go labeled rates on everything. Very light if you go with 2,4-d with the heat. Possibly skip it if heat is bad. Actual N to ground, I'm gonna guess if EW is light green in color (lacking N), it could use ACTUAL 40-75/lbs to acre. Atrazine, not that big of deal, unless you're planting something different there BUT most won't reach soil anyways so I'd also go heavy on that. Crop oil, varies on type, some is hotter than others- read label as crop oils vary for rates. Quinclorac, I'd go max rate on that, IMO. High water volume to drench everything. Good luck!
I'd just go labeled rates on everything. Very light if you go with 2,4-d with the heat. Possibly skip it if heat is bad. Actual N to ground, I'm gonna guess if EW is light green in color (lacking N), it could use ACTUAL 40-75/lbs to acre. Atrazine, not that big of deal, unless you're planting something different there BUT most won't reach soil anyways so I'd also go heavy on that. Crop oil, varies on type, some is hotter than others- read label as crop oils vary for rates. Quinclorac, I'd go max rate on that, IMO. High water volume to drench everything. Good luck!

Thanks Skip. Quinclorac has been ordered. I have everything else. I figured I would spray this weekend to get a good kill and put the Urea on next weekend? One question I do have is the crop oil. I always see crop oil concentrate but never crop oil. I assume the same thing?
Same thing. Coop has crop oil as well as any farm store most times. Sometimes it's "bean oil" or a few different variations & brands. Yep- all crop oil concentrate though. If u put urea down- have treated or slow release if possible so it doesn't burn plants or evaporate. Coop can treat it or garden center will have expensive version of this. Good luck on getting it back in shape. Nothing is for sure when weeds get bad like that but this is likely a reasonably good chance at recovery. Hope it works.
Those of you that have utilized EW. What is the latest you have planted this and still have success...if it only gets 8ft rather than 10-12 that would be fine, I care more about stalk thickness to withstand the elements! Thanks!

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You're good with rain. Plant thin. I can't catch a rain so I'm trying sunn hemp and hybrid sorghum from Welter's. Figure the hemp is a weed. Should grow without rain if the locals don't try to smoke it.
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