Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

First bowkill of the Season


Unfortunately, I do not live in The Land of the Giants, however here in the southeast we do have some BIGGUNS'. I nearly stepped on this 3+ foot Copperhead on the way back to the truck last night. I have always said that I am not afraid of snakes but, when your foot is less than 2 feet away from something like this in the dark and you are not expecting it, You will SCREAM like a little girl. Trust me on this. It may be some time before I get to hunt again because my hunting clothes will need to be laundered and air out for quite a while.


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NICE! I actually had a dream about snakes last night... I think Bear was talking about them on Man Vs Wild and it stuck with me...

Nice work!
I'm not particularly scared of snakes either, but it's a little different when it's a critter that if you get bit by it you're going to require medical attention!
I've often thought to myself how lucky we are here we don't have to put up with various poisonous snakes when pursuing our outdoor passions!

Well, it looks like there's one less you'll have to worry about now! Good luck with the rest of your season!
I thought black and white kitty's in the dark was bad but fanged snakes in the dark is alot more badder.........
Reminds me of the time another fella and I, were bow hunting in N. DaKOTA. I prepared a brush ground blind during the day, to sit in that evening. It was hot,,95' that day. This was mid Oct. After getting selttled in it that eve, I heard a sound you do not want to hear. I never heard one before,,but I sure knew what it was. The rattle of a Rattler! The sound was coming only a couple ft. from my feet!! The snake must have used my blind as a shady spot from the sun. Each time I moved,,it would rattle. I was very concerned to say the least. Finally I could take it no more, and just busted out in a run for it. Luckily I made it unscathed, but I was sweatin,,and it wasn't the heat.
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