Giant 8 - gross 188" - good grief!

Wow that is awesome, his main beams are so thick, the end of his right main beam looks like a big ol machete.
gggoooooooo! can you imagine seeing that slob in velvet? how would you lke to carry them ontop of your head for awhile!
Your'e not far from Ripley either are you where that beast was killed 2 weeks ago? :)

Less than a hour to the north side....Which would lead a guy to think that deer like that infact do exist here. :thrwrck: But Im pretty sure until I see one Im going to think otherwsie.
Less than a hour to the north side....Which would lead a guy to think that deer like that infact do exist here. :thrwrck: But Im pretty sure until I see one Im going to think otherwsie.

Hahaha....that's exactly how I feel too. Stupid deer. :grin: