Do we need Canada's permission to send them or can we just load up a plane & move em out? Maybe could borrow Trump's plane since he'll be using Air Force 1 soon.
My response to all these famous people who have made their money and fame off of the American public, the same American public who decided it was time for a change.... "Bye Felicia"
bigbuckhunter88 said:
Also didn't like that or being labeled as an "uneducated white people"

The whole racist label on trump is absolutely insane! Completely made up by the media and liberals are completely on board with it. I have a married in cousin that just couldn't fathom that she lived in a country filled with enough racist, sexist, bigots to elect trump. Shoot, trump had a higher percentage of Hispanic votes than Romney did from what I hear. I hope like crazy that we can get some sort of unity going on in this country. Obama hasn't done a thing to help with that, hopefully trump can do a better job.
I find it hard to group myself with some of the other post on Facebook going the other way.
Don't let the plane leave without Cher, Jon Stewart, Whoopi, Spike Lee, Kanye West. Van Jones said it was a white lashing that got Trump elected because Barry was black. He beat them with their rules. ☺
A couple thoughts on this whole circus the last few days....
As good of victory as this was, it scares the rut right out of me. These libs are now out of the spotlight....and that is when they are the most dangerous. Don't think for one second they are sitting quietly on the sidelines. They are undoubtedly working hard on their next play to take away some kind of freedom or rights. For those of you who believe the second amendment is in trouble, it is not. Would they love to take your guns? You better believe it, but they know they can't do that. So it will come in the form of some sort of "common sense" law that attacks your homeowners insurance policy or something like that. They won't take away your guns or your right to own them, they will just make it impossibly expensive to do so. The coal industry is a great model of how they will play the second amendment in the future when they regain power. Hopefully Trump will be able to reverse all the damage of the last 8 years and load the supreme court for decades to come.
Celebrate the win but never take your eyes off what the other side is up to. Unfortunately they are NOT going away to Canada or anywhere.
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OK guys, I'll give you a target...go ahead and pile on.

I didn't vote for Trump...Hillary either. And yes, I did vote. I just couldn't hold my nose tight enough to pull the lever for either one. I'm a lifelong conservative Republican, and I know I wasn't alone in feeling this way. Trump mobilized an entirely new block of voters, but the reason this election was even close (and he lost the popular vote) is because he lost a significant portion of his base...people just like me who couldn't stand the filth that came from his mouth on an all-too-regular basis. I'm entertained by all those who say we need to "drain the swamp" and get rid of the career politicians. Let's ride the wave of political outsiders taking over. In what other business or industry would a complete lack of experience be considered an asset? Hope you're not headed in for open heart surgery :) I'm not saying politicians should be lifers, but surely having and understanding of, and connections within, the political machinery has to help to some degree. A couple of weeks ago I was visiting with a foreign exchange student in our community and I asked him for his perspective on our election. Without hesitation he said "I can't believe in a great country like America that these are the two people you have to choose from." Nailed it!

Nonetheless, in a couple of months Trump will be my President, and as such, I am praying for him daily. As long as he is reasonable and rational he will have my support. These people who are protesting in the streets are idiots...get over yourselves! I just sincerely hope that Trump the President is a very different person than Trump the candidate. Just my 2 cents.

OK guys, I'll give you a target...go ahead and pile on.

I didn't vote for Trump...Hillary either. And yes, I did vote. I just couldn't hold my nose tight enough to pull the lever for either one. I'm a lifelong conservative Republican, and I know I wasn't alone in feeling this way. Trump mobilized an entirely new block of voters, but the reason this election was even close (and he lost the popular vote) is because he lost a significant portion of his base...people just like me who couldn't stand the filth that came from his mouth on an all-too-regular basis. I'm entertained by all those who say we need to "drain the swamp" and get rid of the career politicians. Let's ride the wave of political outsiders taking over. In what other business or industry would a complete lack of experience be considered an asset? Hope you're not headed in for open heart surgery :) I'm not saying politicians should be lifers, but surely having and understanding of, and connections within, the political machinery has to help to some degree. A couple of weeks ago I was visiting with a foreign exchange student in our community and I asked him for his perspective on our election. Without hesitation he said "I can't believe in a great country like America that these are the two people you have to choose from." Nailed it!

Nonetheless, in a couple of months Trump will be my President, and as such, I am praying for him daily. As long as he is reasonable and rational he will have my support. These people who are protesting in the streets are idiots...get over yourselves! I just sincerely hope that Trump the President is a very different person than Trump the candidate. Just my 2 cents.

I don't fault you one bit, and completely get what you are saying but in my personal opinion he was the only vote available. As things were I felt there were only two candidates who had a chance and the rest were throw away votes. I actually think Donald could do a great job if he surrounds himself with the right advisers. The way I look at it is the next president could possibly appoint 3 Supreme court justices. I would much rather trust that to Donald Trump rather than Hillary. If she had her choice for justices The Constitution would be something everyone learned about in history class not something thag our country was governed by.
I agree with Bigbuckhunter88 in his statement of, Hillary and Trump were the only two votes that truly mattered where the other were throw away votes. I work in Law Enforcement, which also (understandably so) had persuasion in my vote for president. As an officer in Iowa, the last thing I wanted to hear from a candidate was that we are racist, we target minorities, etc etc.

Her target voters were those of the minority. Those who watch her and would subsequently be driven to hate my brothers and sisters who on a daily basis risk their lives, responding to calls, petty or not, courageously. From the time the shooting of the Des Moines PO and Urbandale PO -- 7 law enforcement workers were subsequently ambushed and killed in 7 days. Those seven will not to continue to get married, be brothers and sisters, have a family, watch Their family grow, etc.

I would not vote for a president who would not take a step back to really view the job from our standpoint. Since Trump has been President Elect, from the 8th on, Trump has still beat President Obama each and every time at sending his families condolences. That my friends, is sad.

Law enforcement aside, I truly believe that Trump has the capabilities, resources and knowledge to lead our Country appropriately. Is it scary? Yes sir, just as it is with any knew president. But I'm happy to see him get into office. And I'm excited to see what these next 4 yrs, and possibly 8 will bring!
This was an easy decision from my end too. For my future and my kids future, having someone in office who will uphold our constitution and appoint those that will do the same to the Supreme Court was my #1 reason to vote for trump.

The second reason was his desire to look internally first, help our people and then balance helping the rest of the world. It has been a long time since a president cared more about the people of America then the people of the rest of the world. I truly believe that Trump will take care of home.

Finally, his recognition of Americas growth and willingness to lay out a potential path to improving it says a lot. Hillary and Obuma (not a typo) would not even acknowledge our GDP of 1% as a problem and that China, and others are absolutely crushing us. Hard to believe that China will have the worlds highest GDP in less than 10 years of things don't change. Is Trumps plan the correct one, I don't know, but his willingness to change and discuss the topic is a huge start.

Time for everyone to back their new president elect and give his policies a shot to move us in the right direction, as our current direction is pathetic.
That's funny, there's a lot of TARDS out there and I don't feel any compassion for the far left cry babies.