Honest concern with Youth Hunter bucks shot…


Staff member
I am NOT trying to be critical or overly negative. & before I say this…. This is NOT a huge deal. It’s a tiny amount of hunters, bucks & this is not a battle we need to have in any regards. & I’m sure not dead set in my thoughts here. Maybe I need to adjust my own thinking??? BUT….

The amount of very young kids shooting absolute bombers this year…. Eah…. It kinda concerns me…. I’m talking like 6-10 year olds shooting 170”+ bucks. I am NOT saying it’s wrong. I am happy for them. I love the smiles. BUT….

1) I’m worried these kids are not understanding the bucks they shooting & will spoil them for later down the road. What they are shooting are bucks many grown men in normal seasons never get.
2) I am concerned these kids won’t get captivated by the challenge & difficulty of hunting mature Whitetail’s. It concerns me that this may be too early & over the long run, this is not a productive way to get them hooked on sport. Maybe I’m wrong.
3) I don’t know if their minds are developed enough to understand the hunt & dynamics of fully mature, high scoring giants. It’s at a far different level, IMO than a doe, a basic “8 point” or a squirrel.

I am NOT saying my way is right!!!!!!! My son is 12. He’s on his 4th season or maybe 5th. He got nothing year 1. He got a doe year 2. He got older low scoring bucks seasons after. I still limit him to non-high scoring bucks. (Think like <145” & mature). (I personally started at 14 & got a 1.5 year old and it was amazing!!). The deer my son can shoot- plenty for what HE WANTS. He’s hunted countless times & got nothing. I’ll be honest - all by design. Lots of “non-kill hunts” due to dad making it work out that way. ;). Still had a blast!! We could shoot a big buck first night if I wanted to allow that. I won’t allow it. That’s me. He’s put major time in. When he’s in late teens & i feel he EARNED the chance at a giant - ABSOLUTELY. He needs to EARN IT!!!! Much like when he buys his first car- he’s gonna buy a used decent vehicle he worked for. VS dad buying him a brand new truck.

I do understand this topic angers 2 sides & I don’t want that…. I get it… some dudes get pissed because there’s times when kids are USED to pick a competitive giant off before adults can go. YES- that’s very distasteful IMO. & yes, there’s other side that’s angry from other side “let the kids shoot what makes them happy!!!” “Don’t be a heartless SOB!!” I get it. & I get “let ‘em shoot first deer they see” (all good there). I get it- we know this creates some passionate positions & there’s some problems with it. Understood.

Overall- kids hunting - it’s a NET WIN. I wouldn’t change the season. It’s great, even if some questionable things happen. NET WIN. But- there’s some troubles with little kids shooting giants IMO. & yes, I am sure some on here have done it. Or will take kids to do it. I mean NO DISRESPECT!!!!! I will applaud u when u do!!! & please post em up & be proud!! Please don’t take this as a jab!! It’s honest mature dialogue!!

am I off base? Anyone else have these concerns? What’s your thoughts on what kids should shoot (& yes, it’s the adults that ultimately decide this). Kids are along for the ride & i want the best for these kids!!! What’s best for these kids in your opinion? Hot topic & i am open minded here. Sorry on long rant. U probably get where my head is at. Very open minded here!!! Thoughts?
Welcome to the world of social media and having to prove to everyone how big of stick you swing. Theres absolutely zero reason a child who can’t even hold his ***** when he goes to the bathroom should be killing a deer of that caliber. Dad has ego issues or he hates his neighbors.
Couldn't agree more. Even though it's important to me to have my kids understand hunting and spend time hunting for the most part where and when is up to them. When it comes to what they shoot I leave that up to them mostly to start. I teach them about age and why I hunt how I do but if they want to shoot a 2nd year 8 have at it. I am more likely to say no if they had a chance at a giant vs a scrap. It needs to be earned. If they were to help with more of the pre season work maybe that could change.

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Welcome to the world of social media and having to prove to everyone how big of stick you swing. Theres absolutely zero reason a child who can’t even hold his ***** when he goes to the bathroom should be killing a deer of that caliber. Dad has ego issues or he hates his neighbors.
ok- I was literally laughing out loud here!!! How do you really feel?!? This is great & I did get a laugh at how cut to the chase u made this one. Last sentence is especially funny!! :)
I couldn't agree more with you Sligh1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Your kids will be able to deal with all facets of life with the foundation you are helping them build.
I’ve introduced many kids and young adults to deer hunting. I’ve noticed the ones that shot their deer quick and mature had less retention to the sport. I’ve always did lots of scouting and would set them up for easy success. I’m trying something a little different the last couple of years. I purposely start them off in spots that I feel confident they won’t get a shot. I think instant gratification has killed the desire to challenge ourselves.
I’ve introduced many kids and young adults to deer hunting. I’ve noticed the ones that shot their deer quick and mature had less retention to the sport. I’ve always did lots of scouting and would set them up for easy success. I’m trying something a little different the last couple of years. I purposely start them off in spots that I feel confident they won’t get a shot. I think instant gratification has killed the desire to challenge ourselves.
Was just talking about this. What got me hooked was the challenge, messing up, busting deer, missing, learning while doing it. This generation where the parent is setting up the blind and death grip and carrying the gun in for the kid to just pull a trigger is going to do more harm for hunting numbers.
I'm taking my boy out this weekend. First deer that comes out is getting it if I know him. I'm assuming that's gonna be a dinker or doe. If a big buck was the first one out I'm not sure what I will do, but it will he pure luck. The ones with dad scouting out a giant still on a summer pattern just for little Johnny to pull a trigger is just setting the youngster up for failure in the future when they learn it's not that easy and doesn't always happen like that.
I never got to hunt youth and was just fine. I have a lot of thoughts on it- I do think there should be a minimum age for a variety of reasons, I don’t care how good of a parent you are.
I still think the floating tag is not the answer either- you have to teach that you may not get one. Everyone says youth are busy- hunting is a choice, just like if they play sports.
My son is 9. This is his second season. He shot a 1.5 y/o last year. We have been out once so far. Going this weekend if the weather allows.

A big part of it for me is he needs to put the work in all year or he doesn’t get to participate. Part of the problem is dad does all the work all year, drags the kid out, all the kid does is pull the trigger then done until next September.

My son helps the whole year with every part of the process (scouting/shed hunting, hang stands/blind/cameras, etc.). He and I shoot the rifle and muzzleloader throughout the year. He shoots his bow in the backyard but can’t draw enough weight to bow hunt yet.

When I was a kid that was the standard. If you put the work in you got to hunt and shoot whatever everyone could. That’s my standard. If he puts the work in he can hunt whatever seasons he can/has a tag for and can shoot whatever he wants (adult doe or any buck). If he doesn’t put the work in he doesn’t hunt.

He was 8 when he shot the 1.5 y/o last year so not a giant which is the crux of the issue here. But he had put the work in last year too so he earned it and he fully appreciated the deer he was fortunate enough to take.
I don’t like youth seasons. Old enough to kill something, old enough to do it during the regular season structure. If you’re a good parent and “put your kids first” put your focus on their hunt during the regular season ahead of your own ambitions.
I agree. Kids can hunt when everyone else does. We didn’t need a special season to get absolutely hooked on hunting.

There are way too many seasons period.

..**That being said, if the season is in place. I don’t blame parents for taking their son or daughter, and I hope those kids have a good time !
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A big part of it for me is he needs to put the work in all year or he doesn’t get to participate. Part of the problem is dad does all the work all year, drags the kid out, all the kid does is pull the trigger then done until next September.

That's a huge problem we have to retaining youth for the future of hunting IMO.

The kids don't seem to develop the same passion when their parents plow the road for them.
I know of one of the biggest deer to fall in our county- was shot while the kid was driving golf cart.
I say- have youth season a normal season, no floating tag- but also open up bowhunting sept 15th for everyone ‍♂️ helps keep some checks and balances. Sometimes I think with no one else out there, people sure try getting away with more.
I agree with the above points. I do want to point out that for every 1 giant you see with a kid behind it, there is likely 100 others who shot the smaller ones but just did not display the photo/send it in. It's the nature of the news outlet you are seeing. I do think maybe it is trending upward though (which is the whole issue), but just wanted to point out that lots are still on our train of thinking (all of the above posts). We just don't always see it on social media.