Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Hunt tonight?

Nah...you should probably just sit inside and watch the Voice or something...
COME ON MAN! Any time you can get out into a tree, i's worth it! Especially when it's cold in October & November! :thrwrck: :D
I'm too much a fan of the game to not hunt even when odds tell you not to go out.

Also, had pretty good action last night in SW WI. Had some bucks messing with some doe and heard a few grunts. Waited a long time to hear that...as a matter of fact, it was so much fun I think I will sit again tonight!
After my best sit of the year last night. I wish I could be out tonight.. Dang Bio Lab has me stuck on campus until 6
Cold weathers here, unfortunately that brings alot of service calls and late nights. Wish I could but il have to stick with weekends.
My 4.5 year old and I are gonna head out and hunker down in a blind. Hoping for at least a doe to come strolling in. Don't like the wind but this cool air is fantastic!
When out tonight and it was cold, windy, and drizzling. Didn't think I would see anything but I was wrong. Seen two groups of does within a half hour just before sundown. I was shocked that they were moving at all cause it was so windy
Super good night! Glad I went out, did what I "suspected", blowing wind but calmed an hour before dark. 11 bucks and about 15-ish does. Had a really nice 4 year old at 10 yards making a scrape and the does got circled by about half a dozen younger bucks looking like a school of sharks. Fun for sure.
Hills tonight, not much fresh sign, cut through corn field, can't wait until some of it comes out! Nothing but got out early to scout, always good to get out and stay sharp!
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