IA Residents/Legislature


I just wanted to throw something out here that you may want to consider when you make that call or pen that letter to your state representative or for that matter it may just be a good topic for discussion on this site.

Here in MS we have what is called a "MS Lifetime License". When purchased, it covers the license holder to just what it says - a lifetime license. The intial cost is pretty steep ($500.00 - $1,000.00 I believe, but would need to be higher in Iowa as general license fees are higher there) but just imagine the savings over the long haul. They are very common here in MS - many parents purchase them as gifts for their children - and what a gift. Can you imagine going through life never having to purchase a license because your Dad or Mom already took care of it, or maybe you purchased your own when you turned 16 or 18? I have not purchased one here as it would not be cost effective at my age.

I just read a post by supertec where he states "It's time for us residents to stand up and belly up to the plate to help preserve what is ours for our future kids and grandkids!" - well I agree with him 100% and this may be one part of doing just that.

I only wish there had one been a lifetime license when I still lived there.

I can't imagine my parents ever thought when I grew up and accepted a poisition that I would not be living in Iowa - well it happened. How many of you parents can know for sure your children will stay in Iowa? If they leave - with an Iowa Lifetime License - they'd be covered and be able to come back home and pheasant hunt or deer hunt or turkey with family or life-long friends. Surely there are some of you who have had friends move away and now you only get to hunt with them when they are able to draw a tag.

Something else to consider would be some sort of "roots" or "native" license for persons who were born and raised in Iowa. I know most of you would not consider something like this, but maybe there are enough parents or family memebers out there who have already had other family memebers move out of state. And let's be honest here - I would venture to say that 95% of these types of people who come back to Iowa to hunt with family or friends are hunting land you (as a resident) never had access to anyway. It's not like they will be taking any land away from residents or buying up land i.e. running up land prices. They will be hunting the same places that their family or friends have already been hunting for years. I know what's coming next - the old "just move back" - but you know it's not that easy. How many of you could just pick up and move? It's not really about that. It's more about being able to come back home and hunt with the very people who passed the sport on to you - the folks you shared so many outdoor experiences with, nephews you'd like to be able to spend time hunting with just like your uncle spent time with you - I could go on and on. Sure the "home for the holidays" tag is a great idea and I'm sure alot of people utilize them, I will most lieky use it - but I want to come home and hunt and spend time with my family when it's convienient for me, not during a special time or when I draw a particular hunt. Maybe that's too selfish, I dunno. Dosen't sound like a whole to ask.

Just some thoughts I had. Good or bad, there they are.
Your thoughts sound like a great idea. Due to our state DNR being totally funded by license sales it would make a lifetime license astronomical for a non-resident. perhaps your and our efforts would be better spent tweaking the non-resident license quotas for non-residents.
We need to be careful we don't get addicted to nonresident license like some of the western states. We need a few nonresidents but we also need to be able to step up and solve our own budget problem through fee increases, funding cuts, and elimination of waste.
I can see where a lifetime resident license could shield the hunter from license increases that are sure to happen. That is exactly why the DNR might oppose such a plan though. It appears to be the classic "time value of money" paradigm. The DNR would have to decide if they wanted to take the cash now or slowly get it over time.

What about landowners who aren't required to buy a general hunting license? They essentially have "lifetime free hunting" (short of mortgage, taxes, maintenance, etc.)

I can see where this could work for one's basic hunting license but it would be quite problematic in regard to deer licenses (IMO). It would be a potential huge loss of income and a logistic nightmare for the DNR if applied to deer licenses (what seasons, what are bag limits, etc).

Iowa does offer a lifetime general hunting license but you have to be something like 62 years old to buy it. A higher priced version could be offered to those younger but I'm not holding my breath for it to happen. I doubt the proposal would get very far in the legislature but then again, money talks. If they see the possiblity of raising some serious money from the sale of lifetime licenses, they might jump at it.
I agree Patrick, but the lifetime licesnse would have nothing to do with a non-resident (unless of course a resident purchase one and then moved out of state sometime thereafter). The lifetime license would be available strictly for residents only.

I just looked up MS's lifetime license and here are the prices:

age 13 and over - $1,000.00
age birth - 12 - $500.00

As I said before, Iowa would have to exceed those prices substantially as you guys as residents pay much more then we do here in MS for your resident licenses.

I also see here that MS DOES INFACT have what is called a <font color="yellow"> Non-Resident Mississippi Native License </font> and it costs $1,500.00. Now there's a great idea and it's obvious this state cares about their natives. I did'nt even know this was available, thought it was just a good idea I had.

You are right, most states that have lifetime liscenses are for small game only. I have a nebraska lifetime where I grew up but I still have to pay non-resident fees to hunt deer back home. I don't think Iowa would go for lifetime permits covering big game as well small game. I do think the lifetime permit for residents for small game is a good idea since if you did move away and drew a NR deer tag you would already have the small game liscence which would eliminate a little cost.
