IOWA - I Love You

Spent about 2 hour driving through southwest IA several years ago. Stopped in a small town and ate there. Though a person would be lucky to live in a place like that. May be my home one
day, never know.
Doesn't really matter, I really like southwest IA. Lots of timber, lots of farm ground, and lots of wildlife. There are tons of small towns around down here with great resturants and good people.
Awesome pic's Ghost!

We are all definitely blessed! And like many of you I tried to "give it a shot" somewhere else. I opted to go out of state for college and then I took a job in a big city down in TX for new experiences. It didn't take me long to know where I belonged and for many reasons...

I think my shirt in the below pictures speaks a thousand words for all of us who love this state...

I love it here because we get a taste of every kind of weather extreme. We have extremely hot and humid summers, and downright nasty winters. I sometimes curse at how crappy our winters are but I know if I moved away I'd miss them.

I love it here because its where my family is and my wife's family is. We're within 2 hours of each side, which is nice.

I love it here because we're north of Missouri so we don't get stereotyped as "inbreds".

I love our current deer hunting regulations in that NRs have to apply for a draw on deer tags and aren't a "sure thing" like our neighboring states. This is why we are the big buck capitol of the U.S.

Have you ever been to Jersey? or New York? or even the south? My work has taken me to these places for days at a time and I've always been home sick within 2 days of being there. Iowa is just simply a paradise to me, and that's why I love it.
Northeast Iowa is GODS country.
In the past week I have shot a mature tom with my bow,picked more mushrooms than I can eat,caught my limit of trout 3 times,found 7 sheds(2 sets) and spent a day on the big river catching crappies.
All this while having breathtaking views of the hills and valleys.

I'm not trying to brag....I dont know the reason for (behind) this thread.
I'm just sayin'.......Iowa,especially Northeast Iowa , is the best place on earth to live.

just sayin'. :way:
I am probably the last post on here but, thot I'd put in anyway. I moved to owa 5 yrs ago, from N. Mich, married an iowa girl. My family is gone from Mi. Hers is still down here. Deer Hunting definately better than N. MI. Winters here no match to MI. A plus! Summers, way more humid. Lots of July nights in the 40s and 50s up there, but because of that,,no corn,or beans equals less deer a minus.I work outside all summer, so is a sweaty trial, but fall frost and hunting shines at the end. One of the big minus's in iowa,,TICKS and CHIGGERS!! Really a bummer. No such thing in my part of MI. You can go out in the fields and woods all summer there, without fear of some sneaky parasite crawling up your crotch and sucking your blood,leaveing a big itching sore behind. That being said, Iowa is a fine rural state, with hometown values, and friendly people, and I only wish I could afford more of it!!!
Thank you for all the great posts. I needed a reminder of why I stay here after working outside Tuesday and Wednesday in the 50 mph winds. I love everything about this great state! Ty Great posts!
I've been to the great state of Iowa for a few hunting trips and can say that I have fallen in love, and not just the hunting, the whole laid back lifestyle is great. Coming from Arkansas I'm used to the farming lifestyle, but there is somthing about the feeling you get from the small towns of Iowa. You guys have got it great up there!!
Snapped this one on the river Monday morning. Set out a cam and scouted a little bit. It was a gorgeous morning.

KInda brings a tear to my eye.

You can take the boy out of Iowa, but you can't take the Iowa out of the boy.
wesome photos - lucky kids


Those are some awesome photos.... and some very lucky kids to have parents dedicated to getting them outdoors - congrats!