Iowa season is to Illinois

Two Beards

Life Member
Well I'm always a little torn after filling my bow tag...on one hand I feel blessed to put my tag on a great buck, however after spending 11 months getting prepared for the magical time we call the "rut" I feel a bit lost knowing it's over for another year
Luckily, this year I purchased a Illinois bow I'm anxious to see what happens in the near future

Last Sunday I had the largest buck I've ever seen, a absolute GIANT, within a few steps of entering one of my shooting lanes. As often happens, he stayed in the thick cover, unlike every other deer that morning and lived to see another day. At dark he even came out in the alfalfa field about 75 yards behind me, but would not leave the doe he was with. I contemplated saving my tag for just him, but as fate would have it I was not able to get back in there without a North wind...and this buck was too good to pass up.

There is not much to this story. I was setup on a north-south ridge of locust trees overlooking a small riverbottom with fields of beans and alfalfa. At 3:30 I noticed a nice buck moving through at about 75-80 yards. I could tell he was a nice buck, but could not see him very well because of the thick cover and tree limbs. I tried to grunt and bleat, unfortunately he was not interested. I figured something was up since he didn't even stop to look back.

At 4:00, I heard something running off to my right(north) and saw a doe running my direction. She stopped 25 yards away and immediately looked behind her, her mouth was open and her tongue was hanging out. Twenty yards behind her came this buck. She trotted down the hill below me, on a trail 35 yards away and luckily he came up the hill towards me. He was walking broadside at 16 yards. Without thinking, I came to fulldraw, centered my 20 yard pin, and squeezed the release. He ran 10 yards and stopped, with the doe looking at him he buckled and dropped. He was dead inside 30 seconds. I have never had a deer expire so quickly. It was a complete passthrough with a Rocket Steelhead 100 and ACC 3-49. I also shoot a BowTech Patriot SC. The arrow entered a couple inches below the spine and exited just below halfway down on the opposite side. One of the blades on my Steelhead was bent pretty good, probably catching a rib.

He's not the monster I was hoping for, but I couldn't be happier!

I also need to add that my dad does not take the best pics...almost all of them are blurred
. I did have a big smile on some of them, but there seem to be 3 hunters and 3 bucks in those picures

Wish me luck across the river to the east....I'm sure I will need it!

Two Beards

Let me be the first to say congradulations! That is a great buck. Good luck in Illinois!!!!
If there's one bigger then that I would love to see him!That is a hell of a buck dude!
Congrat's and go gettem on the other side.
Awesome buck! CONGRATS and good luck in Illinois. Stay safe!
nice devil eyes

but seriously..
If there's one bigger then that I would love to see him!That is a hell of a buck dude!

[/ QUOTE ]

i agree 100%!! nice job
Awesome buck ! With that in mind, I would really love to see the 'big one' that got away. Congrats on a great deer.
congrats man that is a awesome. (As you have all probaby seen me type) Where im from that is concidered a BIG buck. I have only seen one really nice one and it didnt give me any time to take a good shot at him. But that was last season and this is this season. Deer season opens in 2 days. Hope to see him again and get a shot off him. Yeah thats right Done-did-er TWICE
Congrats, the pics don't do this deer justice looks alot better in person.