Looking for sprayer


I'm looking for a 3pt sprayer cat1. 50g or so tank and would need to be pto pump. Bigger boom the better. Pretty slim chances but thought I'd check here
  • Deleted by oldman570
  • Reason: Jus ifo of sprayers for sale and not for one that is for sale by me.
I appreciate that gesture! I've been on the fence for some time to upgrade from a 15g atv sprayer. The time it takes for the more acres I add and the amount of miss or overlap i always end up with tells me its time.
I did as you have when I first started food plots. After hitting a few trees with the fold out booms, and having to repair them, they got so bad that there was no way to fix them without replacing them. Then while at the local farm supply I found out about the boom less sprayers and could not see spending the $$$ for all the parts when I could buy the new 60 Gal. sprayer for a few dollars more. It was all put together and only needed to have a few bolts tightened an the spray tips set for the width and coverage I wanted. Fimco also makes one that is only a 40 Gal. tank 3 point setup like mine, if one dose not want the bigger tank. A friend bought the 40 3 point tank with the 12 volt pump and is happy with it. I try to spray from 15 to 20 Gal. of spray to 1 acre and found that 3 to 4 MPH is where I need to run. The PTO cast pumps have to be cleaned after spraying as the chemicals tend to mess them up if they are left with spray in them.
Best of hunting and taking care of the future
I made mine. Tank and steel with welder. I have a 50 and 200 gallon. I did boomless because it’s for tighter spots. For large areas I have a 1000 gallon with 60’ booms and hydraulic pump.
Look on Craigslist as well. U will find them. Understanding how they work won’t take long and u honestly may be better buying a poly tank and bringing it to a farm welder. Building one is cheap and not hard. U would save a fortune and have a better quality product. Cheap FIMCO ones will fall apart very fast. I’d build one like FIMCO makes except use 2-3x thicker steal and easy to make “take off” legs. This is simple stuff - any good farm repair guy who is good on welder could do this. I’d personally go with the brass boomless nozzle. Downside is wind & not getting as even of coverage if u don’t watch close. Upside is way less breaking booms, parts and able to get in tight areas.
Just a FYI. 2 cents.