Monday off work :)


New Member
Came down today quit raining around 3pm, will wait til morning to head out. Saw 5 does together, a ton of buck sign.
I think I will sit in the cabin and enjoy a beer and the quiet.
Like my chances for morning.
Saw More bucks tonight than any other one sit that I can remember. Tomarrow will be more of the same I'm sure. I too am off work tomarrow. Good luck
Tomorrow morning is going to be EPIC! ;) As long as everything isn't on lockdown, I think there will be some bruisers hitting the dirt. I have to go into work at noon, so, hopefully they are moving well early..
I noticed many doe in fields. Groups of 3-5. No bucks tonight I choose to stay dry today and will hit the stand in morning. Hope it is good.
I think this would be the week to have off if one were to do so. I still have two doe tags left to fill and didnt get out at all this weekend!
Gotta work tomorrow, though I have Tuesday scheduled as vacation. I think I'm cancelling that from what I have seen (lock down).
Count me in tomorrow. Gonna try a all day sit. Have never been able to do a full day from dark to dark.