
New Member
So I’ve never been one to follow moon phases that closely when going fishing, mostly because I just try and get out when I can regardless of the moon. What do you guys think about fishing during a full moon? In reading articles I’ve read that a full moon can be impactful on bodies of water with good clarity and little snow, or it will be a better bite 3-4 days before or after the full moon. What about a stained lake like Red or LOW? Do any of you feel that it makes that much of a difference on these kinds of lakes? Would love to hear your thoughts or experiences.
I fish when I fish, but I am persuaded that there is something to moon phases and better fishing. A friend of mine who is a serious muskie fisherman pays close attention to moon phases, so I think there are some valid connections there. A couple of stories that I have heard through the years, one related to moon phase, the other to solar eclipse.

1. I had an experienced guide on Mille Lacs tell me last year that there was once a muskie tournament on Mille Lacs and it was catch and release only. If a fisherman caught one of these great beasts they were to radio it in and a tournament official would motor out to the boat and verify the fish and then supervise the release. No one caught any muskies in two days EXCEPT for the, I forget exactly, but the one hour period where the moon phase was "just right". Enough fish bit in that small window that the officials could not get everywhere quick enough.

2. I know an experienced muskie dude that made a point of being on LOTW during the solar eclipse about 5 years ago now. He had the muskie fishing day of his life, I believe he caught 7 or 8 in one day.
I think it matters. I will let others chime in “how much”. I don’t think it’s as close to impactful as barometer increase + temperature dip. Curious what others think though too. I’ve been “hard core” for 30 years & still don’t have a firm opinion on moon impact on deer movement.
I live on an 8000 acre lake in Minnesota with good water clarity (except for now in August) .. the walleye bite during a full moon is really good! In the fall and winter (early ice) it can be the best time of the year !

I’d say stained lakes do not have the night bite, so full moon is not as relevant.