My 2008 Kansas buck


PMA Member
Hey guys,

The picture and story of this buck has been in the PMA section for some time now, but I figured the time was right to put it here and show what I killed on October 27th. To make a long story short, I arrowed the buck I named "Hollywood" on a quick after-work evening hunt with an 18-yard shot. I watched him as a yearling in 2003, saw him again in 2004, found a shed in 2006, and killed the 6 1/2 year old brute as he walked down his favorite trail that evening. We never officially weighed the buck, but we had a deer cart rated to 300 pounds and the field-dressed buck bent the frame on the cart. He's going in the trophy room, for sure!!


You sure that thing isn't canabalistic? Looks like he's been eating other deer! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Congrats!
I was just about to say, WOW- what an old buck.... Then read your history as he's 6&1/2, WOW, congrats on a MATURE buck!!!