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New cruiser bucks??

For those of you who have been running cameras for a few years or more...what dates do you start noticing more and more cruiser bucks, different from the frequent summer visitors, on camera? Just curious if there is a pretty good trend out there.
Checking cams today, I have a pretty good inventory on the bucks that are 130+ on the farm so I will let you know if I recognize any new guys.

Always have to remember, there are probably tons of monsters that live on our property at any given time that we never capture on cams (sadly).
I've always noticed more cruisers around in the middle of november (10th-20th).
I dunno if these are just bucks that aren't "locked down", or have already been "locked down" and are moving on to find another lady friend.
On one of the farms I hunt there's been a bachelor group of 5 bucks running together all summer and early fall. Two of them are dandies, and last night as I was leaving my stand I watched the 2nd biggest one whoop up on one of the smaller ones. The fight was short in duration, but still pretty intense. I'm guessing there'll be a couple of "cruisers" in that group real soon :D

I would say around Nov 2 here. Actually got a pic of a buck near an urban area i have been seeing a lot of does at last thursday. I generally do not start seeing bucks until sometime in the beginning to middle of october. I bet drought will affect the patterns this year
On my property i dont typically see any of my big guys till oct 15 or so.... I don't know where they hide but I can never find em till then! I would agree with above that I startnto see cruisers after the first week in November.
middle to end of october here. although early to middle november most of them. also the land i hunt is pastured till end of september, so that may hurt me a little.
Probably different in areas, but I start seeing bucks show up that I havent seen all summer around the 10th of october.
Our main " rut farm" as we call it really doesn't hold any bucks in the summer due to water and different food sources. Every year between October 21 to 31 we will have every buck within a mile come through this farm it seems like. Once November rolls around the daylight activity on this farm heats up and we head in for all day sits. Most of the bucks we capture on adjacent property all summer long but there is something about October 21 for some reason. But this is also limited to one farm. On different ground we will see new bucks as soon as the velvet is off. Other ground it seems like nothing new really shows up. Depends on the herd. Terrain. Food sources.
Maybe kinda unrelated BUT a buddy sent me a pics from last year around late December for bucks that are now shooters this year, he's 1 mile from my farm, almost exactly. Well, that exact same buck from Dec. lived on my farm about Jan 1 on thru rest of year & I have pics right after Jan 1 on of that buck all over.
Interesting topic. I had my trail cams out for the last 8 weeks on my 110 acres (almost all in crp, maybe 5 acres timber) and i never saw a decent buck for the first 7 weeks. Last weekend I checked my cams and I had two, maybe three shooters, and they all came at night. I'd venture to say they are not living on my land, but crusing through. Probably live fairly close by though.
I think most of the bucks (well the mature ones) start cruising threw my property around late october. I saw the first shooter around actober 20th. like said above all the mature bucks dont live on my land they live on surrounding properties but once they start looking i feel like my property is filled with good deer.
usually i see 5-8 shooters all summer, then around mid october i stop getting pics of all but 1 maby 2. thats about the same time i will get pics of a couple i have never seen before! (but they never seem to be really big ones!)
Where I hunt the crop fields are a large determination factor.

About the time the corn goes out, the bucks come in:way:
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