New Hunting Boots

I am trying to figure out what boots to get. I really liked my old pair, they were from basspro but they only lasted a year. I want a warm pair of rubber boots that will last more than one season. Price isn't too much of an issue when it comes to good boots. What does everyone like?
I'm probably the hardest person on rubber boots seems like, I've literally gone through 2 pairs in one bow season, somehow putting hole after hole in them. I'm on my first pair of LaCrosse AlphaBurly 800-gram. With a pair of good socks, feet stayed warmed all season, in all types of weather. Feet do get a bit hot in the spring time, but rather be warm than cold.
I have 2 sets of Cabelas Dura Trax boots. I got an uninsulated one, and an insulated set. Main reason I got them was they are based on a running shoe platform, so they are light and have a better fit IMO. I have had them for about 4 years, and they get wore ALOT. No problems with them yet, and best boots I have had. But again, my opinion. I would say my boots get wore at least 4 times a week, obviously depends which one I wear with the season, and its not light wear on them, they get snagged on fences, and everything else you can imagine and still going strong.
Muck Woody Elite's are hands down the best boots I have ever worn. Keep your feet warm when it's -20 and yet you can wear them when it's 70 and your feet don't get warm. A guy I work with raved about them for years before I finally gave in and dished out the $ for a pair.....I was blown away, most comfortable rubber boots I've ever owned. I've worn mine hard for 3 years and the camo is starting to wear off but other than that they have lasted very well.
I still will northerner but have heard a ton of good things about Muck. They will be my next boot purchase.
My brother got the new irish setter rubber boots and he really liked them, so i'm probably going to get myself a pair of them for next year
Lacrosse Alpha Burly's :way:. I have 2 pairs, a set of 1200 gram, and a set of 800 gram Alpha Burly Sport ( I Think that's what they are called). I find I where the 800 gram pair for just about everything. Light weight & super warm for me.
I have worn and put holes in about every conceivable rubber boot on the market. Recently bought a pair of muck boots, and liked it so well that I bought a second pair with a different insulation level. One is designed more for walking, pheasant hunting, etc. while the other is going to be a treestand boot. They are very comfortable and appear to be built in a much more durable manner.
I will also put a plug in for the Muck Woody Elites. Have worn them 4 seasons now and no problems, no holes, no cracking, etc. I use to go through Rocky's and LaCrosse rubber boots about every 12-18months so I have been very pleasedwith the Mucks. Probably the warmest boot I have ever owned too. I just go with a single pair of cotton socks year round and I am good to go.

I have heard good things about the Woody Ex also, but can't speak from personal experience.

I've had great luck with my redhead, bonedry 800's. I guess I'm not as hard on boot as you guys; these have lasted me two years so far and are still pretty much good-as-new. I do take good care of them though -- keep out of the sun and keep them pretty clean when storing for a few weeks at a time.