Notice anything weird about this fawn?

A neighbor had a two headed piglet born a while back. It didn't live long which is my main surprise with this/these deer. Like others have said though, I'll be a lot more confident in the legitimacy of this once i see a video.
To me it looks like the camera just took a blurry picture while the deer is moving. Just my opinion. The second picture you can see where his actual body is, then more of a blurr for the second one. Could be real, and really cool if it is, but I would like to see a nice crystal clear picture first.
We had a calf born with two heads. I believe it I dont see why its that hard to beileve. Amazing what trail cams will catch.
We had a calf born with two heads.

I know that many animals have been born with two heads, not saying it can't happen. But I would like to see better pictures than what have been posted. ;)