Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

Everyone can have an opinion....I respect that.

Just have to agree to disagree....
Trump is repairing something he way. The trade deals were giant strides, China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea. There is around $80 Billion in Ag exports in those deals. Iowa will benefit the most by these deals, over almost any state.

If you have stocks you should be loving Trump...the Nasdaq alone is up almost 85% in 3 years!

Plus he whacked (2) big time terrorists.

Small rebuttal.

Ironically, $80 Billion is what we he committed us to in MFP payments due to his trade war destroying farm markets. This is simply Trump buying farm votes for 2020. When exactly is this supposed to end? For sure not before the election, right? Republicans want smaller government, but this President has made our rural community much more dependent on his handouts. Certainly doesn't fit the narrative of smaller government now does it?

I do have a vested interest in the stock market, but Trump certainly isn't the only President to have been in office during a stock market boom. Additionally, my faith tells me there's more to life than money. I'm out...

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Small rebuttal.

Ironically, $80 Billion per year is what we he committed us to in MFP payments due to his trade war destroying farm markets. This is simply Trump buying farm votes for 2020. When exactly is this supposed to end? For sure not before the election, right? Republicans want smaller government, but this President has made our rural community much more dependent on his handouts. Certainly doesn't fit the narrative of smaller government now does it?

I do have a vested interest in the stock market. But my faith tells me there's more to life than money. I'm out...


The farm market is not destroyed it was down in 15 and 16 under Hope & Change. Corn crashed to 3.16 under Obama ... who had (0) trade deals, except Bergdahl for 5 murderers!

Looking very promising now. Be patient the market will come back.

Short term pain for long term gain. Trump approval amongst farmers is 82% ! They will vote for him again.
  • Deleted by NWBuck
Anyone watch the State of the Union? I agree with nearly all of it. Nancy Pelosi though, what embarrassment just sit back there and shake your head and make faces and then at the end stand up and rip the speech in half. If she wants to disagree with things fine but that’s just embarrassing to the country to stand up there and act like a child ripping the papers in half

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He nailed it tonight!! Thought I was going to cry when he announced the Army guy was in the house:)

I was disappointed he did not ask Putin if he could find the Iowa Caucus Votes:eek:
Oh, he definitely wasn't ball less...pretty sure we have physical evidence of that :D:D

My point was simply this. The economy was strong, unemployment was low, and we had a balanced budget for the only time in modern history. And I couldn't stand him because of personal behavior. But I do understand that this isn't an issue for many of you...


Clinton was president from 1992-2000, he was responsible for pushing and getting the Brady Bill and Assault Weapon Ban passed (1994). I would argue that economy did good despite Clinton because of the Dot-Com boom. The budget was balanced only during his last two years (1999/2000) and it had nothing to do with Clinton. That was accomplished by the Republican Congress under Newt Gingrich’s leadership (he became speaker in 1995). After Republicans got control of Congress Newt got the Contract with America going which decreased small business taxes, reduced capital gains taxes and reformed welfare. The tax cuts encouraged even more economic growth, stock market growth and job creation. That in turn (with spending cuts that were part of the Contract with America) created enough revenue to get the budget balanced by 1999 and 2000. Clinton fought tooth and nail against the spending cuts that got us to a balanced budget and threatened veto right up until the legislation landed on his desk. Newt even had to shut down the government several times to get things done. Democrats never wanted to reduce government spending or reform welfare because they want everyone depending on them so they can stay in power. The budget was also balanced in 2001 under Bush however, 9/11 and the stock market crash put an end to balanced budgets. If anyone knows of a policy that Clinton or the Democrats pushed between 1992 and 2000 that stimulated or caused the economy to grow, please share. The only thing Clinton did was ban guns/pass a waiting period to purchase handguns, stain blue dresses, and plan how to set up his Clinton Foundation so he could prosper from it once he was finished being President. Anytime a Democrat says Clinton was such a great president I alway ask them to name one piece of legislation he pushed that led to economic growth, job creation or made our country better. I have yet to have anyone give me one. I always get the deer in the headlights look. Then I let them off with... well if you ever think of one please let me know. Remember, if you corner a Democrat with a tough question that they can’t answer. They will usually start yelling, name calling or will break down crying and will run off looking for a safe space. They never give fact based arguments. They will likely divert from the question or give some Democrat talking point. Remember Clinton could have killed Bin Laden but chose not to. So ponder this...if Clinton had killed Bin Laden when he had the chance would 3000 Americans still be alive today? What about all the troops that have been injured or killed in the Middle East because 9/11 happened? Would our stock market still have crashed as hard as it did if 9/11 hadn’t happened? I don’t know those answers. I do know weak leaders on the home front or abroad do us absolutely no good. Our problems with North Korea started with Clinton’s gutless foreign policies. Clinton’s poor trade agreements overseas and in North America have stripped millions of jobs from our country and trillions of dollars from our economy. The housing market crash was due to Clinton/Democrat policies. I could go on and on. Trump is neither weak or gutless. He gets things done and has America’s interests at the forefront which is unlike anything we have seen since Reagan. After watching the State of the Union Address tonight, I can’t wait for four more years of Trump!
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Bill Clinton also signed the "Financial Modernization Act" in 1999, which allowed the wall street banks to create the housing bubble and derivatives and merge their customer service division with the financial division. This allowed the banks to use customer money to play the markets. Turned out well for them in 2008 with the bailouts. The picture of him signing the bill while surrounded by wall street bankers is priceless. But I'm sure he didn't profit from that after he was done soiling blue dresses and ruining good cigars while president.
Beware the inverted yield curve. It has a really good track record for predicting economic recessions. I'll be curious to see how everyone feels about Trump and his inconsequential personality if/when we enter into another recession.
Acquitted, wonder what the whistle-blower feels like now? I just found out who he is yesterday, not sure if anyone else knows publicly.
Come on. You can’t let us hang. Also, it came out that the developer of the vote app used in Iowa was a company named Shadow Inc.; with the principles from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Lol. No joke.

Personally I think they blamed the app buying time to see if There was wiggle room with the numbers.
  • Deleted by bigbuckhunter88