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Holy crap. You're so persistent in the defense of these that shovelbuck will end up owning one by the time this thread dies.....If it ever does.

I've remained out of this debate and will continue to do so for now.............................but Damn!!!!!!! That's funny! I don't care what side you're on!!! Made me snort my coffee!:D:D:D:D:D:D:way:
On the other hand, this is as unbiased as it gets. This has nothing to do with Todd, or anyone, but I'm going to ask this one question.

Who would you fell is a more accomplished hunter, a hunter who uses a machine to kill human oder and kills a 185 inch net boone, or a hunter who kills a 165 inch net boone, by playing the wind and having a little luck. Both hunters are using up to date equipment, such as bows, new camo, range finder, muddy deer stands. :grin:
I am more with Saskguy. If it really does kill human odor, then what is the point? Why not shoot a deer with a remote control gun from your living room. Hunting is hunting. If Ozonics does kill your scent then it is cheating.
I'm working right now with a group of Phd's from MIT on an antler radar. It's a machine you climb up the tree with and lets you know if there if there is a cluster of antler over 150 inches within a quarter mile. That way, if the radar says no you can just go home and not waste your time.

We've shown it to cause cancer in lab rats, but hey, what doesn't give those darn things cancer anymore!
I appreciate the responses - both good and bad. Half the battle is figuring out what people don't like about the concept, don't understand, or just won't use. It's part of business and the feedback has been interesting to say the least. I'm going to be providing the safety information ASAP, they are currently putting it together. ALOT of scientific mumbo jumbo to explain, but it's part of the deal with this type of product.

If I wasn't persistant, agressive, and down-right tenacious at times I wouldn't still be in the DVD business I can assure you. It also relates to my whitetail hunting (or life - because they are one in the same); I can handle all the criticism in the world. I work my butt off and I have no regrets.
I'm going to be providing the safety information ASAP, they are currently putting it together. ALOT of scientific mumbo jumbo
Make sure to disclose relationships of those who generated said "data" in regards to Ozonics. I'm guessing it will be unbiased.:D
Half the battle is figuring out what people don't like about the concept, don't understand, or just won't use.

Todd the dollar amount is not an issue.

The thing that really turns me off is packing one more thing into the woods. When I hunt I do not want to make it a pain in the arse and regret it. Health concerns are the next issue because most people will say anything they want to sell something. The last thing I want to do is teach my children that they need this in order to shoot a deer.

Good luck to you and hope it helps you in your quest.
The facts are coming regarding the safety, and they MUST meet the standards set by the same organizations that handle safety and health for any other related product in any other industry. They can't just make this stuff up guys. There are strict guidelines, and I can assure you - NO ONE wants to produce a product that hurts people. That's just bad business; well, unless you are in the tobacco or alcohol industries.

Is Ozonic's necessary to kill a deer? Not any more than a compound bow, release, carbon arrow, laser range finder, treestands, ground blinds, sights, rests, or camo. To say that this gives the hunter such an advantage that deer don't stand a chance? Well, you can believe what you want, but as I've stated before; if I wanted to kill a bunch of big deer as easily as possible - I'd pick up the gun and pound them at 100 yards from one of my foodplots. Killing 5-1/2 year old deer on-camera with a bow and arrow is TOUGH! Raise the standards to the point they become very difficult to attain. That's what I call earning a reward!
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I have 3 crunchers jb welded on the bottoms of my boots so when I walk in it sounds like a herd of deer snacking.
I've killed some nice deer with a smokepole but I wouldn't exactly call any of them easy. You've said more than once on this thread how "easy" it is Todd so I feel compelled to say that despite how "easy" any of them were I indeed feel every bit as happy about them than if I were to have done so with an electronic device spilling out ozone to eliminate human scent.

Diff't strokes for diff't folks but your repeated demeaning words towards us slobs who pick up guns too have totally erased credibility as someone who is making a living supposedly supporting the sport of hunting in my mind. I am questioning if you have forgotten that the avg. deer hunter lives a life much, much diff't than yourself and that deer are not their entire world. I suspect there are many more out there like me that have the standard of getting on the best deer possible in the little bit of time they have. Going to work day after day in the fall, driving home after work with your kids, preparing supper for the family and blasting out the door down the road to a freinds place when your wife gets home from her job and getting lucky with any weapon that is legal at that said time, that's what I call a reward!! Getting your friend to help you load it after a nice cold rye and coke and getting it home before your kids have had their bedtime story, even better.

This has been a good thread so far, with lots of humor too but sheesh, I'd truthfully give you more props for dumping one in your plot with a gun and no ozonics than your current approach, based on inference about some posts I am not alone. I guess your thoughts compared to mine prove the to each their own theory is a good one.
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thats a fact I have spent a ton of cold evenings with a gun capable of 200 yards and came home empty 99% of the time I must be doing something wrong
A Bigger Problem

This has been an interesting thread.There seem to be some good guys on here and you seem to enjoy each other.
It has been kind of revealing to read Todd's effort to defend the position he has chosen. There have been years of research on ozone and it is a "fact" that it can cause health concerns. No matter how hard you try and twist the facts it isn't going to change.
The bigger problem is that for some reason hunters will allow company's and advertisers to bend or skirt the truth. There needs to a greater awareness on the part of the hunter.
An example the every one should be aware of by now. Until Scentlok was taken to court in 10 different states there was very little actually known. As a result of the trial it was revealed that the actual carbon that was glued to the fabric only covered 27% . Therefore leaving 73% to allow human odor to pass through unaffected by the carbon. Carbon experts for both sides testified in depositions that the fabric was ineffective in stopping human odors. Why won't hunter's trust these experts. Still you find these garments all over the place. Sure you can hire people who will say it does work as they claim. You can advertise in all kind of magazines. Sponsor hunting programs and personalities to tell everybody how great the product is. Same thing for ozonics generators.

The end result is that it has to past the fact test. Be scientifically honest.
Be effective in the field. No just one of these.
A Bigger Problem

This has been an interesting thread.There seem to be some good guys on here and you seem to enjoy each other.
It has been kind of revealing to read Todd's effort to defend the position he has chosen. There have been years of research on ozone and it is a "fact" that it can cause health concerns. No matter how hard you try and twist the facts it isn't going to change.
The bigger problem is that for some reason hunters will allow company's and advertisers to bend or skirt the truth. There needs to a greater awareness on the part of the hunter.
An example that every one should be aware of by now. Until Scentlok was taken to court in 10 different states there was very little actually known. As a result of the trial it was revealed that the actual carbon that was glued to the fabric only covered 27% . Therefore leaving 73% to allow human odor to pass through unaffected by the carbon. Carbon experts for both sides testified in depositions that the fabric was ineffective in stopping human odors. Why won't hunter's trust these experts. Still you find these garments all over the place. Sure you can hire people who will say it does work as they claim. You can advertise in all kind of magazines. Sponsor hunting programs and personalities to tell everybody how great the product is. Same thing for ozonics generators.

The end result is that it has to past the fact test. Be scientifically honest.
Be effective in the field. No just one of these.
This has been an interesting thread.There seem to be some good guys on here and you seem to enjoy each other.
It has been kind of revealing to read Todd's effort to defend the position he has chosen. There have been years of research on ozone and it is a "fact" that it can cause health concerns. No matter how hard you try and twist the facts it isn't going to change.
The bigger problem is that for some reason hunters will allow company's and advertisers to bend or skirt the truth. There needs to a greater awareness on the part of the hunter.
An example that every one should be aware of by now. Until Scentlok was taken to court in 10 different states there was very little actually known. As a result of the trial it was revealed that the actual carbon that was glued to the fabric only covered 27% . Therefore leaving 73% to allow human odor to pass through unaffected by the carbon. Carbon experts for both sides testified in depositions that the fabric was ineffective in stopping human odors. Why won't hunter's trust these experts. Still you find these garments all over the place. Sure you can hire people who will say it does work as they claim. You can advertise in all kind of magazines. Sponsor hunting programs and personalities to tell everybody how great the product is. Same thing for ozonics generators.

The end result is that it has to past the fact test. Be scientifically honest.
Be effective in the field. No just one of these.

They need to install a "Like" button on IW.

Knowing the truth, it's irritating to me....that you still see the carbon clothing products being pushed by the hunting celebs and so much of it still on the store shelves.
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