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Let's clarify this before it gets to far off track. The lawsuit against Scent Lok was for "false advertising". They were claiming that their product was effective in any condition blah blah blah. Sure they lost the case and had to adjust their slogans, but no one has said that their products didn't work to some degree. It may be 5% coverage, but it's still coverage. That is why they are able to continue to sell their product. This is the reason that Scent Blocker was cleared, because they didn't make the same claims as Scent Lok and their technology was proven to have some/more effectiveness. To many guys are quick to bash on these companies because they think the technology is all bullshit. The fact is that there products work, just not to the degree that people originally thought they would. I think this is the reason that many people still use their products, they figure that 15% effectiveness is better than 0%. IMO this is probably the case with Ozonics. We all know the technology works to some point, it's just a matter of how well and how safe it is. And regardless it is up to the consumer to decide if they need that little added edge or not. I don't really use many of these products, but I don't understand why everyone feels the need to bash on them? If you don't like them, then don't use them, it's as simple as that. Its just funny that there are 20 pages of responses to a product that has no bearing on the outcome of any of our seasons this fall. Some will choose to use it and others won't, and Im sure we will all still have fun and enjoy sitting in our stands. Just because their are a constant flow of new products hitting the market, it doesn't mean you have to run out and buy it or feel like your methods won't work anymore if you don't keep up with the trends or do what your neighbor is doing. Just relax and enjoy the chase. Nobody is twisting your arm to keep up with the Jones'.. or the Prignitz' :grin: Just jokin Todd!
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Well, explain something to me guys. All these milkweeds floating toward the deer in the promotional video? You think these are computer generated? The reason we are the FIRST production company in the world to capture this stuff is because it's the first time a deer has been comfortable enough on the downwind side of the hunter for us to actually be able to release the milk weed and let it flow with the wind to the deer, over the deer, etc... If Ozonic's doesn't work consistently then explain how we were able to capture this TIME and TIME and TIME again from Michigan, to Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois? I can assure you we aren't that good, but Ozonic's is.

It litterally cracks me up you guys still can't believe it works. As far as the safety concerns, again; it's already passed the tests. The data will be presented soon.

And for the record, I have nothing against gun hunting. I shot a doe with my rifle this late season here in Iowa. I was just trying to defend myself, I don't think Ozonic's means I'm cheating or trying to take any easy path to success. If what I do year-around is considered the easy way, I'd like to meet someone doing it harder than me. I don't even own an ATV for gods sake! I've never used one because I considered it an unfair advantage. Yeah, sounds stupid doesn't it? If it was STRICTLY about putting bone on the wall, I'd be using other weapons, that's all I meant.

The kill means alot less to me than alot of guys I can assure you. You wouldn't see me passing all these nice bucks if it was all about killing...

PS - Happy Friday guys! Have a good weekend!
It litterally cracks me up you guys still can't believe it works. As far as the safety concerns, again; it's already passed the tests. The data will be presented soon.

I'm not sure I'm reading the posts the same way you are, as I haven't seen too many people claiming it doesn't work. Most are expressing concern that it is:
A) too expensive
B) more crap to carry
C) possibly an unfair advantage
D) a health risk (despite any biased "data" you might share)
E) technology invading where most hunt as recreation
F) a combination of the above.

I'm sure I left something out, but I think people get the idea.

I've stated before; I think it probably works, just not for me.
End of Topic

Guys- I just got off the phone with the Iowa DNR. I was just told this..

The vendetta laser range finder- Illegal in Iowa, even though their website shows legal..

Ozonics-Illegal in Iowa since it is BATTERY operated.. sorry guys!

That is from Steve Dermand of the Iowa DNR. Thanks
Guys- I just got off the phone with the Iowa DNR. I was just told this..

The vendetta laser range finder- Illegal in Iowa, even though their website shows legal..

Ozonics-Illegal in Iowa since it is BATTERY operated.. sorry guys!

That is from Steve Dermand of the Iowa DNR. Thanks

Ohhh boy........to late to edit the videos.:grin:
I am not a big believer in Ozonics but I do believe if they limit this device because it is battery operated then they better get rid of EVERY range finder as well besides Fish Bonkers Clinometer.
The way I understand the regulations is that even though it's a battery operated device, it isn't a method or means of attraction, or mounted on a weapon (which is why the Vendetta is illegal). It's a WEAPON MOUNTED LASER AIMING SYSTEM. If Ozonic's is Illegal, than anyone with a range finder in their pack is illegal. Say goodbye to flashlights guys, we now have to wander in the darkness waiting for flugge to turn on the lights for us! I also forgot to mention, no more cell phones or watches.

I have Ozonic's checking for clarification with the IDNR right now – but I’m pretty sure we don’t have to worry about being illegal anytime soon. If we are, then some big names in the industry will all be going down with me! You can hope for that if you want, but I don’t see it happening.

River1 - do you really take pleasure in other person’s failures? Kind-of a bad way to look at life man! I wish ZERO ill-will on anyone who opposes or disagrees with me on something. I’m opinionated as heck – absolutely. But that’s different than being an arrogant. Please don’t confuse the two!
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look just telling you what i was told but thanks for trashing me todd shows nice class. the reason its illegal from what i was told is because its not manual. period
red dot scope is not because it doesnt project alight onto the target its the same as a crosshair. again, what i was told
Come on guys, get off Todd's ass! If you don't think the product works, or you don't think it's healthy, or if it's just something you're not into, then DON'T BUY IT! It's that simple. No need to keep harping on him just because he's passionate about something and doesn't share the same opinon as some of you. Flugge, there is no reason to call someone "classless" when back at the beginning of this thread, you refered to Todd as "Salesman Todd". Clearly trying to be a smartass! Still not "throwing stones"? I have have no connection to Todd, Ozonics or any company. I just get tired of people preaching to others that they don't agree with. Let it go already!
I purchased a first generation Ozonics from Sportsman's Guide last year for under $100. I used it solely last year inside a large cooler that I kept my clothes in to remove foreign odors before/between hunts.

After a ½ hour treatment odors previous odors are no longer present and replaced with a very distinct smell and texture of Ozone. To me the “Ozone” produced what seems a bit like bleach in a gas form, which in a closed space was an irritant to me. It was also interesting that some of the garments seem to lightened up a bit – a clean look.

I never used it in stand nor do not foresee myself ever carrying mine to a treestand ... but I will continue to use it for my hunting clothes. Does anyone else use one for this?
Hey - let's just get along guys. It's forth of July, let's celebrate our ability to hunt and be able to chat about it, and not get pis*y with each other about stupid stuff. At the end of the day, the thread was created about Ozonic's, so I don't consider discussing the topic of the thread "preaching". If it was on a thread about "scent elimination" or a different scent elimation product, then yes, I would say it would be over the top for me to go on and on about Ozonic's.

I'm over the personal stuff (lifes too short), I just want to teach and promote about a product that I think is freaking awesome! That's it. If I insulted anyone, that wasn't my intension - so I apologize for that. I just get defensive when people disrespect me. I've worked VERY hard building a brand in the hunting industry and I can assure you, I didn't take the easy route. I stood by my gut instinct to only work with fewer of only the best companies out there. It means to this day I make far less money than I could by jumping on-board with some of the industry monsters that I believe make inferior equipment. That's why I get testy when people disrespect me. It has been a tough damn road, no one even knows!

I'm not 100% certain of the "manual" argument, but it requires the push of a power button just like any other battery controlled electronic device we take into the woods. So, not sure about that, but we're going to find out more.

This topic did get me thinking though. I know you can't use walkie-talkies in Iowa (at least thats what I thought?). So, is text messaging from your stand to a buddy who's hunting on the same farm or near-by farm legal? Hmm, interesting!
This topic did get me thinking though. I know you can't use walkie-talkies in Iowa (at least thats what I thought?). So, is text messaging from your stand to a buddy who's hunting on the same farm or near-by farm legal? Hmm, interesting!

If you were to text your buddy and say that a deer was heading his/her way,I believe it would be illegal.
If you were to text your buddy and say that a deer was heading his/her way,I believe it would be illegal.

It is illegal, but nobody on this site would do that! Just like nobody on this site would hop a fence to pick up an 80 inch shed, right Skip:D just kidding, everybody have a safe and fun 4th of July
First off, I agree with JClaws that if the text communication was with the intent to inform another of game movement towards another hunter, I would say illegal. If like me, the text is merely to compare hunts, pass the time or just plain break up the boredom of the hunt, I say no harm.

Secondly, this type of post, while a decent debate, is an indication to me that we all need to get in a tree ASAP. Just think guys, opening weekend is only 92 days :drink1:
Ozonics-Illegal in Iowa since it is BATTERY operated.. sorry guys!

That is from Steve Dermand of the Iowa DNR. Thanks
I am anti-Ozonic but I think if you dig a little further and get a second opinion, you will find this isn't true...anyway, I would hope so.
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