poached turkey eggs


New Member
i guess i don’t know what to think anymore about the things that happened
yesterday afternoon i was at the public hunting ground that i hunt at and the guys on the land next door are camping. i went to say hi and they were drinking and drunk and i saw a bunch of broken eggs and stuff on the ground by the tent and they said they found a turkey nest that morning and wanted to try how they tasted with their mushrooms. after cooking two they didnt like it and just broke the rest why they would hurt the young ones and now they will never grow up to be hunted or experience what mother nature should experience for them in the ecosystemm i took a picture with my digital and you guys tell me what you think i should do with it i don’t think its the right thing to do but what do you think is this ok and if so how many of you eat from the wild like this i kind of mondered why they wouldnt of tasted good. i didnt know we as humans could destroy the habitat and animals as much as what some people think we do but we can now because nobody thinks. and my dad is mad about this becuase it is like killing 20 turkeys all at once and so am i now what a waste

I don't think turkey eggs would taste like the eggs from the store, who knows how far along the embryo is. And that is a very low thing to do, should've called a CO or something.
Some people just don't get it.... Chalk them up in the "Worthless" category. I would have called a Conservation Officer if I would have been in your shoes.
How old are you? Just wondering? And, the guys above are right, those aren't turkey eggs!
those are store bought eggs...

and guys why would someone even try an come up with a prank like this. so point less to try an pull this kind of prank on someone..

IMO i feel we are the ones getting pranked here
The pic didn't load for my first reply. Those eggs are both too small and too white to be turkey eggs. SOMETHING is fishy here....
nice pictures guys my digital must not have the quality you guys cameras have i think it took on too much light my cuddyback pictures usually look better i should have used it. i know these were turkey eggs they were speckled and even bigger then the ones you guys took pictures of unless they were something else and my dad read this and told me not to say my name with my age or i would lose my hunting spots again and grounded from the computer again but i almost have my drivers licensce so hopefully tonight is the night i get my turkey.
Okay, first things first, welcome to the site. You will like it here because the site is packed with knowledgeable, great (and nice) hunters. Second, and most important - please use a few periods and capitals in your posts. You speak well, but you're killing me here. And in regard to the eggs, I also think the guys were pranking you.