Prayers for dbltree

Prayers for you and your family Paul. You made a difference in all of our lives and made all of us better from your willingness to share. Godspeed .
I just heard in our sales meeting this morning that Paul is now finally at peace and our world is both richer for his being and poorer for his passing. "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened" Dr Suese.
I just was able to see this thread as I had not been on for a few days. Prayers sent for Paul's family in their time of sorrow. I never met him, but can tell he was very well respected and a genuinely kind, honest man. Truly sorry to hear of this loss to his family as well as everyone on here. He will be missed.
Prayers to Paul's family, I know he is up above us, free of pain, getting his hands dirty. Anyone who knew him was a better person for it.