Rut action interupted????


I was fortunate enough arrow a nice mature doe this morning after watching a small four point walk through the area. As I was getting ready to roll her on her back to start field dressing her it was very apparent she had just been bred. She still had the "still steamin buck semin" all over her rear! The warm weather has been a little discouraging but seeing this one already looking like the task was done kind of threw a "small" flag of how this may be another one of those years that should have been. Has anyone else shot any does that look like they have been already bred? I know it is a little early but the full moon lull wasn't real productive for good size deer this weekend around my area. Also, I called the automated deer check in number and it appears that it is not fully functional or something. Then I was transferred to a live operator that sounded like the same gal that tried to get me to join Ol' Jackie Bushman's Buckmasters! I put it on the speaker phone to let my buddy here it....needless to say the info will hopefully be usefull for the DNR but I had to laugh picturing what it will look like during shotgun season with all the hunters standing there with bloody cell phones talking to those southern belles! Anyhow just kind of food for thought.
I realy don't care for a full moon its so light out and nice it just lets deer run all night. I figure they bed up early because of it. Right now so many does have been bred that the next week the big boys will be more in the open running in the day looking. Next week is my pick for hunting a natural funnel .
There are more does coming into estrus as each day goes by which means the number of buck sightings would decrease. I would not get discouraged, because the bucks only stay with the doe for a day or two and once she is done they are off looking for another girlfriend. Some of the bigger deer are shot after the Rut has peaked and during the tail end when most of the does have been bred and the boys are still trying to find a few more dates before the rut is over. Get in the woods and put your time in and its the Rut so you never know what can happen.

Good Luck
I just seen a big boy at 1.45 this afternoon walking across the open field.Id say there out prowling around today maybe.Think im going hunting
There are more does coming into estrus as each day goes by which means the number of buck sightings would decrease.

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Can't get any worse than the zero bucks I have seen.