Rut Action/Movement Reports

Had a 155-160” 4.5 10 pt. walk within 10 yards this morning. When a few does showed up later, a nice 3.5 8 pt. starting chasing them and grunting extremely loud for 5-10 minutes. A couple other small bucks cruised by too. Great show, seems a little early. Bummed my phone/video wasn’t accessible for the bigger deer.
Been out the last few nights. Most small boys 2.5y just rattling antlers and pushing the does around. Had a mature deer come into beans at dark. This morning a couple small boys but the loudest deepest grunt I've heard from deep in the woods. It'll be here good soon...
Last two days were dead for me too. Hoping it doesn't rain all of next weekend like they are saying.
I hunted in an urban hunt this weekend. Got up and headed out saturday morning to get set up by daylight. Take my key off the key ring and set it on the passenger seat before I exit the truck because I get ready etc on the passenger side. Lock my driver door before I get out and walk around to realize I just locked myself out. So there went my first morning hunt of the year. Came back out for the afternoon and had a nice wide 140ish 10 point making a scrape and rubbing brush around 60 yards out.

Sunday morning I had a great hunt. I set u in a different spot. Its only about a 40 acre timber patch and I've just been hunting the fringes playing the wind. Saw 6 buck and 2 does. Hunted daylight until about 430pm (wind switched late in the day). The same 140ish 10 bedded down just 50 yards from me. He would be a tough pass. He is really wide, has a great frame. But, I saw the big boy again. He's got to be 170, 6x7 I think. He had a doe and fended off a couple other bucks. I think he's got the doe locked down already. I really about want to just spend my fall hunting in there for that buck and really not even hunt on my statewide tag.
I've been off since Friday and will hunt pretty hard every day till the 14th. Warmer weather and east winds haven't been ideal. Does and young bucks so far. Did see some fawns by themselves this morning though so just have to keep grinding away and know that any day could be the day
Had a fully Mature buck running a doe hard last night, his mouth open panting, hers as well. She stopped several times to squat and pee, not sure if she came into heat a little early or what....but he was about 10 steps from getting a hole in his chest, he decided to chase girls instead.
Several decent bucks moving this weekend all the first land last hour and a half of the day, same with does. A nice 10 point was chasing about 6pm last night. Quite a few dink bucks also on the move. Had a coyote at 10 yards yesterday morning, but he got a pass due to a decent 3.5-year-old buck that was nearby following a doe.
Movement slowed down a bit on my cams and I expect it to slow down even more as the temperature rises. Did have a solid 8 pushing a doe this morning (10-31) right under me. He had a small body so I estimated he was a 3.5 yr old and let him walk. I'll focus on filling doe tags till the weather breaks. I did have one mature buck moving at 11am today, otherwise cams have been early and late movement.

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Lots of does with fawns acting like they don't have a care in the world. Bucks are moving only for food/bed it seems. Scrapes haven't been touched. I've seen more turkeys than I have in the last 5 years of bow hunting combined in the past 3 days. Definitely hopeful the number are back up and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Had 2 smaller bucks on the cams this morning moving heads down around 8-9am so far. Probably going to wait until we see 40s-50s as highs before I put in for more time off.
From east central Iowa. Agree with pretty much everyone else is seeing. Only seeing bed/feed patterns on homebody mature bucks during first/last 45 min of daylight. Cams have slowed on scrapes. Seeing young bucks pushing does around and a lot of really young deer traveling solo. Weather is absolute crap for the next few days but after that rain pushes through on Friday feeling like its going to be on.