Rut report 2020

There's a few does ready and some of the big boys have taken notice. Had 2 mature bucks in front of a cam today at noon with 2 other bucks. Imagine there was a hot doe there
Sat on the ground last night, and 10 does come out. 4 went past at 9 yards. Not one buck behind them.

(Didn't have time to hunt tonight, after work but I went for a short drive, Seen a lot of does feeding, seen 1 brute of a buck looking for does, Huge body, Awesome left side, But right side was either broke off, or didn't form normally) woulda been 160 if sides were the same) then seen a couple small bucks after that.
Ok so what really is the general consensus of deer population this year? I am seeing more deer per hunt than I have in 7-8 years? It’s a great thing really!
I am in quarantine through Nov 10th on the farm, so I've hunted much more than normal. Had a 2-3 year old buck at ten yards twice last night. Came to antlers looking for a fight. Nothing else moving that I saw, but there is corn still in on 3 sides of the land I hunt.
My number one hit list buck is chasing a doe right now in a cut bean field right now. I type this sitting in the seat of a semi. Maybe later he will bed down somewhere and I can try to sneak up on him. Seeing deer everywhere this morning. Not sure if its the rut or that a lot of their hiding places are getting harvested.
Had 4 bucks come by tonight and a good pile of mature does.
Bucks were not interested 1 bit? Wierd.
Ok, I'm gonna throw this out there for you guys.
I notices something years ago and have several times since.
If you have a big stud buck around, I believe just his presence will stifle younger bucks from getting too excited.
I had a nice,young 135ish 10 walk under me tonight.
He walked smack dab through the middle of a group of mature does and did not even stop for a look at them.
I have 2 big old bucks here.
Seen this several times.
Discredit it if you don't believe it.
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I was splitting wood in the yard last night, and had to run into the house to grab my bow. in a 1/2 hr span a mature 8 bred a doe within 50 yards of me while 3 other bucks watched. After they left another mature buck ran a doe through on a full sprint with 2 other bucks in tow. The mature 8 is going to get it 1 of these days. I've seen him in the daylight from the house a dozen times in the last week.
Morning hunt half a dozen does, and a 2 year old buck looking. (First morning hunt of the year.

Evening Just had some does come out tonight. Nothing to exciting. No bucks, There's quite a bit of corn to combine here. Corn is definitely hiding the activity.
little bucks are chasing and wondering in daylight more. I did see my target buck this evening at 4:40 trotting across a field 75 yards from me. He wasn't running and there were no doe around. I was sitting 30 yards from his scrape but he has not been at it for several days.
NE Iowa.... I have a 35 minute commute to work at about 430 in the morning and I have yet to see any bucks crossing with does. Trail cams showing some mature bucks day walking just the last couple days.

Spent my usual last week of October in NE Iowa, most brutal I’ve ever experienced. Very little movement period, in total six deer were observed. Not kidding, shut it down today and attended one sons basketball tourney and trick or treat with the other. Public ground, unsure if lack of numbers is due to the CWD and harvesting the extra deer has caught up, weather, moon phase/Blue Moon??? Will give it a go back in central Ia tomorrow.
Been on stand for 30 minutes this morning...three bucks have already been through here. Probably following the same doe and fawn. Two 130 class, all slowly walking.

Following, not chasing yet.
It was slow in Western Iowa. But it should pick up a bit today with cooler temps. ...End of the week will be better.

Saw 9 bucks this AM, 4 or 5 baldies. This was the better of the bunch, all got a pass this time. :) Did not see any chasing or running, but fairly consistent action...just slow walking and some following. I would technically describe this phase of the run as the "moseying" phase. :) Almost got a shot off at a gobbler too...but they see movement just fine from above. So he is unscathed too.