Search for the trail cam to stop theft


I had my first cam stolen this year and am still seeing red. It was brand new, first time putting it out and didn't last two card pulls. Has anyone tried the new cams that send a location ping when they are moved? It's seems pretty slick in theory. The cam has some sort of gyro device that is activated when it moves and starts sending pings to an app every 15 minutes. If this works the way its advertised this should virtually end all cam thefts.

Has anyone tried one yet? The one I found is a Bushnell, model is Impulse. I know nothing of the the quality of the Bushnell cams.
Haven't tried that model, so I can't comment. I like that approach and have wondered about such technology.

I tend to "blanket" areas with multiple cams. I had a guy steal one, had pics of him on another one of my cams of him holding it. He saw another cam and pulled the memory card, but didn't realize it could store 30 pics on internal memory. A third cam he didn't see provided the best images. I turned the images over to the Sheriff and they busted him. So that is one strategy.

The other option is cell cams that send the images up to the cloud. You will still hopefully get a pic of the perp as they are stealing it. You would think that the word gets out that camera technology is getting to the point that people shouldn't be where they aren't supposed to be. I only run on private, imagine public is a nightmare.
Hidden cams!!! Put some junk cams in open (stick used batteries in em and junk SD card) & hide a cam with climbing sticks up in tree. Like 10-15’ up. And camo it in. I put stuff on outside of cam like bark & also camo in straps. Set for video or burst mode with lil longer delay. Takes some work but worth the time!!!! Nails em hard too!!!! Theft!!!

I am curious bout gps tracker!!! that could be interesting!!
There is another way around this(well 50% anyway) but I don't think anyone is doing it. I have a childhood friend that is balls deep in the tech world on a major scale. He puts "something" on my SD cards that will destroy any device that tries to look at the card and it does not recognize the device. So if Ted walks up to my camera and takes the SD card and puts it in his computer or Phone those devices will never work again.
There is another way around this(well 50% anyway) but I don't think anyone is doing it. I have a childhood friend that is balls deep in the tech world on a major scale. He puts "something" on my SD cards that will destroy any device that tries to look at the card and it does not recognize the device. So if Ted walks up to my camera and takes the SD card and puts it in his computer or Phone those devices will never work again.

I was thinking earlier today of an executable file to put on the SD card that caused it to “phone home” when the thief inserted it into a reader. Most cameras have internal memory that could host this “trojan”. Somebody wanna run with this?

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I hunt semi-public bow by permit only & have had an issue with cameras walking off on their own. Probably not ur situation & it is bull you have to consider something like this on your own ground. But 5 years or so ago I started carrying 1 climbing stick & putting cameras up 10 to 12 feet. I also remove all cameras prior to gun season even though it is bow only. Zero theft but you have to reprogram your mind on scoring deer from the ground level pics you are used to.

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