Snow Geese Pics


Active Member
Some places have huge deer, others, elk, bear, pronghorn, etc.....But for me, living smack dab in the middle of the central flyway is awesome this time of year! Witnessing the millions of birds that come through is breathtaking.:way:
The snow geese are here by the millions right now and it's a sight to behold.





Great Pics, Jay! We took our kids to Bosque del Apache NWR ( over President's Day weekend to see the same thing. Unfortunately, our winter in the southwest has been so mild that the thousands of geese (Snow and Ross') and hundreds of sandhill cranes were all ready moving north. We saw about 24 geese and less than 50 cranes that day. It was very disappointing in that regard, but we had fun anyway. Your pics make me impatient for next year, when we're going to head out a little earlier!
Great photos Shovel!!

I saw a fair number of snows/blues around Fairfield and Selma the last couple of days. There were frequently birds in the sky overhead throughout the day yesterday and we saw a couple of flocks on the ground Sunday too.

But nothing like Jay's pics. Cool stuff.
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Thanks for sharing Jay, there are a bunch of them here in SW Iowa. Hunters have decoys set ups in many of the cornfield stubble fields around here. :)