Something we all need to do.

right on

I signed earlier in the week at It's very scary that things like this can change our lives when politicians use back door and cowardly tactics! Too bad the media doesn't expose this for the scandal it truely is. :(
Truely terrifying to watch - sickens me that there are so many people so quick to give away all of our rights.

Whats even scarier is the amount of sportsmen and gun owners that sit by and let this happen, thinking the whole time that, "This is America, it will never happen here."
Whats even scarier is the amount of sportsmen and gun owners that sit by and let this happen, thinking the whole time that, "This is America, it will never happen here."

I do not think they are informed Brian on what is going on.

It will be a tough one to do here in America though.
Whats even scarier is the amount of sportsmen and gun owners that sit by and let this happen, thinking the whole time that, "This is America, it will never happen here."

Nanny - thanks for posting this, it was informative. At the risk of "going political", I think the threats that this video highlights are real and valid, but I see things sliding in this country way beyond gun ownership issues too. Gun ownership, while a biggie, is just one of many issues that more and more people appear to be willing to give up in the name of "world peace" or whatever. I am just stunned by the number of people nowadays that think "government" is the solution to whatever problem there is. It has never been proven to work, although tried many times, in the history of man.

Many, many people it seems to me are very willing to relinquish their rights and freedoms in exchange for some government provision or "safety net". It's almost as if people implicitly trust "government" to take care of them and/or solve all of their problems for them and that this is good. In reality, nothing could be more dangerous than allowing "government" to have more, or ultimately full, control of our lives. Can't people see back through history than when the "government" gets control the society crumbles and falls and individuals are crushed in the process?

We NEED to maintain our personal liberties and freedoms, not just for our ownselves, but for the sake of all of society.
I agree 100% Daver.

And Tony, your probably right, many people probably just don't know whats going on. It's hard to listen to the media anymore, because they just want to twist anything and everything around to "make it a good story".

650 views to this thread, I hope that at least 20% that has viewed this has clicked on the link that either signed or disagreed with it and didn't sign. Thats the good part about America, its YOUR choice. But I highly doubt many has done anything.

If it was a NR tag issue, I bet the Govenor, state reps, and senate's inbox would be full, but it comes to a Constitutional right, everyone seems to just sit on their hands.
Election Day is on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Won't make all our problems go away but some new leadership couldn't hurt either. Whichever way you feel, make sure to vote for somebody.
Received this response from "my" senator (he's a democrat that's been in office since I can remember).

Thank you for contacting me about the proposed United Nations (UN) Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). I appreciate hearing your views on this matter.

The illegal manufacture and trafficking of firearms contributes to crime and violence around the world by arming criminals, terrorists, and other militant groups. Illicit firearms, especially small arms and light weapons, can destabilize entire regions by fueling armed conflict and violence against innocent civilians. In addition, the presence of such weapons complicates humanitarian relief programs, peacekeeping initiatives and the development of democratic societies. According to the United Nations, there are more than 875 million small arms and light weapons in circulation worldwide, and these weapons are responsible for approximately 300,000 deaths every year.

Over the years, the United States and other UN member governments have undertaken both national and international efforts to combat the significant increase in illegally manufactured and trafficked firearms. U.S. policy includes attempting to curb black market transfers of small arms to zones of conflict, terrorists, international criminal organizations and/or drug traffickers; encouraging other nations to raise arms export standards to U.S. standards; streamlining and strengthening U.S. export procedures to improve accountability without interfering with the legal trade in or transfer of arms; and supporting the destruction of excess stockpiles of small arms, particularly in regions where conflicts have ended. In July 2001, a nonbinding “Program of Action” (PoA) was adopted by UN member governments, including the United States, that encouraged nations to ensure that manufacturers use markings on small arms and light weapons to facilitate the tracing of illicit weapons transfers; establish procedures to monitor legal sales, transfer and stockpiling of small arms and light weapons; and make the illegal manufacture, trade and possession of such weapons a criminal offense.

In 2008, the UN General Assembly convened a UN Group of Governmental Experts to examine the possibility of an international treaty focused on denying arms to groups that would abuse them, including rogue states, terrorist organizations and illegal militias. Under the Bush administration, the United States was an active participant in the 2008 UN Group of Governmental Experts and endorsed the Group’s recommendations for an international framework for controlling the international conventional arms trade. In October 2009, the United States voted for a UN resolution laying out a schedule for talks on the proposed Arms Trade Treaty, including a final UN Conference on the ATT in 2012.

The United States supported the resolution in part because it states that the 2012 Conference will operate under the rule of consensus decision-making, a provision that was necessary to gain U.S. backing. According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “as long as that Conference operates under the rule of consensus decision-making needed to ensure that all countries can be held to standards that will actually improve the global situation by denying arms to those who would abuse them, the United States will actively support the negotiations. Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly.” In this instance, consensus decision-making means that the United States maintains its right to veto any agreement produced by the 2012 Conference.

Some have raised concerns that UN efforts to combat the illegal international arms trade may restrict the rights of law-abiding American citizens, despite the fact that the proposed ATT is focused on the illegal manufacture and trafficking of firearms around the world. While I believe these concerns are misplaced in regard to the proposed ATT, it is important that any efforts to curb the illegal international arms trade do not infringe on the rights of law-abiding U.S. citizens.

As the world’s largest exporter of conventional weapons and a government that is widely considered to have the gold-standard on arms export controls, the United States has a special responsibility to promote responsible global arms trade. I support ratification of a strong and effective ATT, and I look forward to working with the administration and my Senate colleagues to achieve that goal.

Thank you again for contacting me.

Carl Levin
After reading online on some different forums, (not IW), we're pretty much doomed to ever own an AR-15, or any other rifle that is capable of holding more than 5 shots.

There are too many, and I repeat TOO many sportsmen, that think AR-15's, or anything compairable to them, are assult rifle's and do not have a place within the hunting world. They also want the laws changed to where any deer hunting state that allows rifles, should be single shot. Has the world gotten this liberal?

It will never end. Bolt action hunters don't like semi-auto hunters, recurve hunters don't like compound hunters, compound hunters don't like cross bow hunters, and it goes on and on and on. The gun owners of the United States of America will ultimitely be the reason for the start of bans on different types of weapons, until all are done away with. It's sickening that not one sportsman has realized that the Second Amendment wasn't written for sportsmen, or even had hunters in mind.......