Talk about a kick in the butt

Holy crap, buddy! That's not at all how I wanted to start my day. You and your family will absolutely be in our prayers! If anyone can beat it, I know you can! If you or your son (still in Tucson?) need anything from here, don't hesitate to let me know!
Like others have said, keep a positive attitude and beat it. It's done everyday. Keep God with you, he's pretty good to have.
Wow, day 2 and I've found it very difficult remaining positive even with so many people by my side. I guess the not knowing is probably what is keeping me down at this point. Pretty much everyday I am an upbeat and very easy going person who does not get depressed or stressed about damn near anything. I've always been the person with the positive outlook on every situation. But this, this is as hard of a thing to deal with in my head as anything I've ever had to and I don't know what to do with myself. Too bad its raining today or I'd be in a tree, my happy place, but I cant even go there.
Anyway, thank you all very much. It is so appreciated.
Brian my son is still in Tucson and is coming back to Iowa in November.
Hang in there. As so many have said, medicine has come a very long way in the lat 10 years. Hopefully you will hear some good news on your next visit.

Plese keep us posted...
Hang in there! The best thing you can do is encourage others with YOUR attitude! I know a guy who had the same thing last year. Here we are a year later and he is doing great! I know you will be too!
Sorry to hear your news. A positive attitude and knowing you can beat this stuff will help you so much. My uncle was diagnosed with this and he has beaten it! Prayers going out to you and your family for strength and faith!
Difficult news to process. Stay positive and kick its butt! Praying for you and your family.