TeenageHunters 2014-2015 Journal

Just curious as to why you would say that? Unless you have piranhas stocked in that pond, I've never seen a frozen carcass deteriorate that fast.

It hasn't really deteriorated at all. Just the hide must of got soggy enough to come off. Still lots of flesh on that skull.
It hasn't really deteriorated at all. Just the hide must of got soggy enough to come off. Still lots of flesh on that skull.

Exactly, the hide has just come off. That's it, nothing else and there was still blood in his veins that gushed everywhere when I sawed his head off.
Found a small 5pt about the same size as the one above in a 30 minute walk with a friend. We walked a 80 acre place that was just a open creek and field edges and I picked it up. (Just because we were limited on time) #9, I'll post a picture tomorrow and hopefully will add more to the pile tomorrow! It's an all day shed hunt 45mins south by the boarder.
Total finds minus the dead buck I found the other day.


Found the match set about 200 yards away from this 5pt and I'm thinking it's the same buck.

What's the matter? Won't your folks let you put the deadhead on the kitchen table?:D Nice finds, thanks for sharing and keep us informed on the food plot.
Had the craziest thing happen to me today! I'll get to that in a bit but I finally got ahold of a landowner that has a old Christmas tree farm (found 2 sheds there last year) going out there expecting to find a shed or two with my friend (This is the 4th time he's gone out with me and I've found the shed!) We walked in and he said "You're going to find one" I said "You better find one today!" about 45 seconds later I yell "Found one!" I heard him mumble extremities and he waddled over and with almost a look of disgust and said "Good job" and walked away.

After cracking a few jokes I find a dead deer with it's head not attached. Assume it was a buck and I said "I want to go on the other side of the fence so bad" he said "Have you ever asked?" I said "Naw, the landowner probably wouldn't let us" well he ended up nagging me about it and we went up to the guy who owns 400 acres on the other side of this 15 acre tree farm. His wife answers the door and says hold on, she calls her husband and he said we could go ahead. I was excited! We hadn't found anything for 3 hours and both of us were getting tired and I grabbed him and said "What does that look like to you?" he said "I hate you" I just had to smile! I spotted the match to my shed from about 150 yards away and about 1/2 mile from where I found the other side.

It was getting dark and we followed the plan to finish walking a large creek bed, on our way out we had to walk the highway about 1 mile to my jeep and I said "The only thing that sucks is we won't find a shed!" As we were walking back we were joking like we normally do and I tripped over something and fell and as my friend was laughing I say "MINE!" instantly his laugh stops. It was a shed.

I'm on my way to the airport right now and we're supposed to land in Denver at 2:10pm tonight is a relax night. Tomorrow afternoon it looks like I'll be walking a little bit and Saturday is the day I'll be out from 10am-6 or 7ish (instead of Sunday)
Yesterday my friend and I got permission to walk on a 900 acre place that is just insane crazy to walk on. It feels like you're in the middle of no mans land. I found 4 sheds and 3 dead heads (one in not so great condition) he found 2 big 8pt dead heads. Here's a few pictures and #20 from the day before...

21 is a hog! Stepped on it as my friend and I were talking.

No ATL of #22 or picture of 22, can't seem to find it. I lost the shed yesterday after I threw it in the pile.
#23 Spotted it while I was glassing with my binos on a hill, didn't get an ATL.

Found #24 he had a neat little acorn tip!
