The Future of Iowa Hunting - Rumors Flying

Threads like this seem to always end up in Iowa resident hunters(people that matter) and NR(people that don't matter)argueing over something that ONLY the people that matter can possibly influence.
I am wondering how many of the Iowa hunters on here go to other states hunting forums and argue.I think if any NRs have an opinion on whats best for Iowa hunting then move here and join in the fight for hunter rights.Your opinions are only what you feel will benefit you.And if you USED to live here and moved away for some greener pasture then live with the decisions you made.You didn't need Iowa and now Iowa doesn't need you.
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Threads like this seem to always end up in Iowa resident hunters(people that matter) and NR(people that don't matter)argueing over something that ONLY the people that matter can possibly influence.
I am wondering how many of the Iowa hunters on here go to other states hunting forums and argue.I think if any NRs have an opinion on whats best for Iowa hunting then move here and join in the fight for hunter rights.Your opinions are only what you feel will benefit you.And if you USED to live here and moved away for some greener pasture then live with the decisions you made.You didn't need Iowa and now Iowa doesn't need you.
After the year I've been having I'm about ready to go out of state and hunt
If you did then you would have to go find a website for the state you hunt in as a NR and bitch about how you're being screwed compared to what the residents of that state recieve in hunting privileages. :D
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Threads like this seem to always end up in Iowa resident hunters(people that matter) and NR(people that don't matter)argueing over something that ONLY the people that matter can possibly influence.
I am wondering how many of the Iowa hunters on here go to other states hunting forums and argue.I think if any NRs have an opinion on whats best for Iowa hunting then move here and join in the fight for hunter rights.Your opinions are only what you feel will benefit you.And if you USED to live here and moved away for some greener pasture then live with the decisions you made.You didn't need Iowa and now Iowa doesn't need you.

Well written Archery 95 (person that matters) you are the guy who earlier this year.... on this site... falsely accused Mark Drury of game violations that never happened.
Threads like this seem to always end up in Iowa resident hunters(people that matter) and NR(people that don't matter)argueing over something that ONLY the people that matter can possibly influence.
I am wondering how many of the Iowa hunters on here go to other states hunting forums and argue.I think if any NRs have an opinion on whats best for Iowa hunting then move here and join in the fight for hunter rights.Your opinions are only what you feel will benefit you.And if you USED to live here and moved away for some greener pasture then live with the decisions you made.You didn't need Iowa and now Iowa doesn't need you.

Well put. I love how NR's want to tell us how to change things to best suit them.
If you did then you would have to go find a website for the state you hunt in as a NR and bitch about how you're being screwed compared to what the residents of that state recieve in hunting privileages. :D
I'm having a hard time finding a Hawaiian whitetail site to vent my frustrations on:drink2:
While I know its not a fair comparison I just went pheasant hunting in SD. $114 for the NR lic., $75 a day per hunter for the landowner. While I realize the $225 each of us paid the landowner for the 3 days really didn't go to the state if you want to play you have to pay. Out of state hunting should have limited access and the way it is now is fine. Our mature buck herd which the vast majority of NR's are after are a limited resource.
And if you USED to live here and moved away for some greener pasture then live with the decisions you made.You didn't need Iowa and now Iowa doesn't need you.

Haha, I just laugh when people act like this online. You know what song comes to mind when I read that? Brad Paisleys "So Much Cooler Online". I'm sure you would say those exact same things to a NR's face wouldn't you? Maybe Paisley should write another song called "So Much Tougher Online".

Come on man, you don't own Iowa or the deer herd, get over yourself.

Before you go start an online pissing match, just remember I'm not for any increased IA NR tags, I grew up there, and maybe someday I will return so I don't want to see Iowa ruined like other midwest states any more than you do, but to openly make comments like what I quoted is just going to add fuel to the fire for those NR trying to change IA for their benefit and not help your cause any. Not all NR's are the bad guys....

LOL Who is Brad Paisley? Does he hunt?
Yes I would/do stand up for what I think is right.I will and have told NRs how I feel to thier with a lot of hunters from Missouri.Do you think I am scared to stand up for something I am passionate about? My state,my country,my family and my hunting.They are all worth standing up for.
If you NRs that come on here and express what is best for Iowa's deer herd would have done that in your own state your hunting would be as good as Iowa's.
In Minnesota and Missouri,if everyone would stand up and voice thier opinion maybe you wouldn't have a rifle season during the rut.Or maybe you wouldn't have a EAB thing in Wisconsin.Or a 4 point restriction in Missouri.
Voice you opinions in your own state.I go to Wyoming every year but I would never even think of going on a website to argue with Wy. residents on how they should change things to benefit me.

You didn't really read my post at all did you? Go find ANY post of mine where I'm advocating to change the rules for NR. I recently said I'd like the tags fees to be lower so I could afford to hunt there with family and friends, but I know they are what they are so I just choose to not come, I wasn't joining FOI or crying to the IA resident for change.

"You NR"....oh yeah, there is that again, me the bad guy NR that should only talk about the hunting in my home state that should rally the troops and fix our deer hunting problems by standing up together - as you're finding out, fighting the good fight to keep what you have or making change to echo the successes of other states is just as difficult - and in some ways nearly impossible in certain scenarios, which is why the NR looks to hunt Iowa - fact that will never go away, period.

The things that need to be done in MN to improve the deer population were things that should have happend LONG before I landed here so telling me that I should have expressed what needed to be done to have hunting like IA really doesn't apply. Changes are in the works in MN but moving the gun season out of the rut is not going to happen and will not ever be done - but other things are changing to hopefully improve the current situation we are don't you worry, I'm fighting the fight here too just as you are doing in IA to keep all those nasty NR's out.
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Im almost embarressed to be a resident of IA after some of these posts. Its a good thing MN lets NR in to fish even though the majority of lake front property is baught by NR, hiking up the land value to where many MN residents cant afford it. But that has a huge impact on MN economy, same as IA with NR deer hunting. I think some of you guys need to relize there is more to life than just deer, and if deer are your life then I would think you would have put yourself in a position to buy your own land and not have to worry about NR overtaking IA. Some of you guys act like the NR are a bunch of Nazi's coming to get you.
reminds me of a conversation with a 2 year old......mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.......You ever think that maybe past Iowa residents, like myself, moved away because of our jobs and not because we did not like Iowa....My whole family still resides in Iowa and I will continue to come back every year to hunt with them as long as it is deal with it. Last time I checked all of the land being bought by NR is also available to be bought by residents.....oh wait......mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.....

Im almost embarressed to be a resident of IA after some of these posts. Its a good thing MN lets NR in to fish even though the majority of lake front property is baught by NR, hiking up the land value to where many MN residents cant afford it. But that has a huge impact on MN economy, same as IA with NR deer hunting. I think some of you guys need to relize there is more to life than just deer, and if deer are your life then I would think you would have put yourself in a position to buy your own land and not have to worry about NR overtaking IA. Some of you guys act like the NR are a bunch of Nazi's coming to get you.

Antlerfreak: Thank you for the comment, I knew there were residents who felt this way, because I have met them in person. I do appreciate the state of Iowa, and I am not looking to see any major changes. Thanks again.
reminds me of a conversation with a 2 year old......mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.......You ever think that maybe past Iowa residents, like myself, moved away because of our jobs and not because we did not like Iowa....My whole family still resides in Iowa and I will continue to come back every year to hunt with them as long as it is deal with it. Last time I checked all of the land being bought by NR is also available to be bought by residents.....oh wait......mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.....


Very nicely put. Your situation and mine are very similar.

Hopefully those that think they will never leave IA don't lose their job or have something happen out of their control and are forced to move across the border at some point in their life and turn into an evil NR that wants to gobble up all IA land and get resident tags every year, and force all residents out of their honey holes.
I have changed my mind.I believe Iowa should have OTC tags for NRs and FREE NRLO tags.Any if you have family land to hunt in Iowa then NRs should be able to hunt the same as a resident.Then in a couple year Iowa will have a crappy deer herd just like Minnesota,Missouri and Wisconsin.Then these threads will stop because no one would want to come to Iowa for deer hunting anyway.