TheMadCatter’s 2022 Adventure Thread

Unfortunately this day and age, social media controls a large part of everyone’s life. Most of the job descriptions these days do have “company can monitor social media activity”. It gives them the leg if you start to spiral and look bad- they can terminate you. Like stated above- what you described above you never should have lost your job, but negative light from social media very well could have been the culprit (which again- very sh!tty). I don’t wish anyone to lose their job, especially you Josh. You literally were living my dream- so don’t let negative Karen’s ruin your aspect on things. I will say- stepping back from social media is a good thing. I no longer have anything, so I find myself here about 13 hours a day! (Ha- total joke)
I think your mustache is to blame. ;)

This site is as close as I come to social media. I'm pissed off for you man.
Losing your job sucks but not sure what you thought was gonna happen when an out of stater got a paper involved to trash a rancher. All the social media hate had to have come from that.
Also, I haven't watched a second of Yellowstone, but isn't the premise basically out of state people against ranchers. Somewhat ironic actually
Losing your job sucks but not sure what you thought was gonna happen when an out of stater got a paper involved to trash a rancher. All the social media hate had to have come from that.
Also, I haven't watched a second of Yellowstone, but isn't the premise basically out of state people against ranchers. Somewhat ironic actually
They called me, I didn't reach out to them. You must've been one of the sad losers who complained, must be a miserable life. I wasn't trashing anybody and never mentioned names. At the end of the day I was just trying to caution others what could happen and didn't want to see anybody else in my shoes. Yet people had to call and harass my workplace(s) because of it.
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They called me, I didn't reach out to them. You must've been one of the sad losers who complained, must be a miserable life. I wasn't trashing anybody and never mentioned names.
Not me, I don't do social media. Also don't pass blame off on others when you said you shot an under performing bullet on other animals, then when you didn't get your way, complained to a paper and online.
Like I said it sucks you lost your job and the elk, but if you trace the cause back to the start it isn't from the haters online
Not me, I don't do social media. Also don't pass blame off on others when you said you shot an under performing bullet on other animals, then when you didn't get your way, complained to a paper and online.
Like I said it sucks you lost your job and the elk, but if you trace the cause back to the start it isn't from the haters online
At the end of the day the bullet doesn't matter, the elk went 160 yards and I could've pumped him again if he wasn't on private. I'm sure 75%+ of Iowa has had a buck run onto someone else's land. I don't even know how many times I read on here "he made it half a mile" that means the bullet/arrow underperformed? Any bullet at that close of a range shooting through the lungs isn't going to dump it unless you hit bone. Game Warden confirmed double lung and broke left leg, but, not the right (entry) so it did in-fact do damage. They're big animals and sometimes you mess up, I thought a lot about it and I don't think any bullet would've made a difference. I'm still switching back to lead and going heavier, but, on that bull a different round wouldn't have made a difference at the end of the day a couple inches right would've. That Bull still would've made it 160 yards and I wouldn't have been able to shoot him again.

For anybody wondering, I shot my cow elk with the same round and dumped her after shooting her in the shoulders and it indeed broke both her shoulders, went through both lungs, did some crazy damage on exit. You're probably wondering why I decided to use the gun and bullet combo again? I thought long and hard about it and placement was everything, not the bullet.

I shot my Mule Deer with the same round at 62 yards in the shoulder and he didn't move from his bed and made a gnarly exit.

I killed two bears, one in the heart (complete pass through) pin hole and another I shot in the shoulder and dumped him.

I killed my Sheep after I hit her flank pin hole (ranged wrong issue), and then hit her high lungs on the second shot and it wasn't the size of a bullet hole but it wasn't big. She died fast.

I killed three blacktail deer with it, the two I hit in the shoulders were dumped and the other was a pin hole double lung but died.

My buddy killed a Pronghorn with it and dropped it after shoulder shooting it and my other buddy dropped a whitetail with it after shooting it in the shoulders with one shot.

I have all of them besides the two blacktail and cow elk on video and some are on Youtube.

It wasn't about getting my way, it was about educating others. I shouldn't have talked with the news after they called me, sure. But, I wasn't thinking about that at the time, I was bummed out and hoped nobody else would have to feel the way I did.
Personally, I would have probably finished off, recovered, and asked for forgiveness if caught. You were punished for doing the right thing. Your experience doesn't encourage ethical behaviour, and that's unfortunate.