This sucks, but it could be worse


PMA Member
For over two years I've been fussin with my right shoulder. I had mostly lost range of motion without pain to the side but front to back was better. I had a MRI a year and a half ago and it showed only a bad case of tendonitis and arthritis. So I did 3 month's of PT and that really didn't help much so I got a cortizone shot and that was like magic. 6 month's later that wore off and I was back to square 1. Late last summer I got another MRI with die in the joint and they saw more detail. No tears that they could see but it was badly inflamed and very little room between the ball and bone. I also had a large bone spur. So we scheduled a surgery for yesterday to get all that cleaned up. When I woke up two and a half hours later the doc told me it was a good thing it was not put off any later cause my rotor cuff was hanging by just a few threads and the tendon over top of the rotator cuff was torn also. SHAT. Now I'm immobilized for 4 to 6 weeks and am looking at month's of rehab. I bet after all this is done I will be much better south paw.

Best of luck on your recovery. I had a bone spurr in my ankle that was sitting on top of a stress fracture. That is no fun

Sounds like you did the right thing. My advice is to do the PT and exercises they tell you to do. Don't try and cut corners.

You'll be good as new man. GOOD LUCK!
I had mine done in may of 14. It sucks getting old. Mine was locked up, bone spurs,rotator cuff and no room between ball and bone. it was not that much fun. Had it done on a monday went back to work 1/2 day wed and full days after that. I just have to sit behind a desk thouh. biggest thing for me was trying to sleep. Threw the sling away after 5days it made me nuts. Have been carefull with it and it feels great. wish I would have done it 20 yrs ago. Good luck .
Freind of mine had it done to, he said to make sure you do your excercises and it will go great!

Good luck with your recovery!
Good luck with the recoup Perry. Hope your better at following those types of instructions than I am.:D
Hey, at least it's the "off season". :D Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope that when the physical therapist starts cranking on that shoulder that at least she' a cutie...;)
Im typing this one handed with my ultra sling on as we speak:) My medical armlift chair was delivered today as well- had rotator cuff- labrum- sep tendons all repaired on the 15th. LONG road to recovery but worth it! worst part is the surgeon said no golf for 3-4 months (yeah right) goodluck with your recovery- im literally feeling your pain!
I had shoulder surgery for arthritis and bone spurs two years ago this coming July. After being in tears trying to shoot my bow because the cortisone shots weren't lasting, I decided it was time. It was the best decision I ever made. Post-op, my surgeon said (direct quote) "You're rotator cuff is pissed. Its not torn, but its pissed from the bone spurs. A good rehab program should get you back on track." I met with my PT 10 days after surgery and the advice from ShedderKG is the best advice ever. My surgery was nowhere near the extent of yours, but you will bounce back faster than you think if you do it right (and don't overdo it). Good luck and I look forward to seeing your harvests next fall!

My advice is to do the PT and exercises they tell you to do. Don't try and cut corners.

You'll be good as new man. GOOD LUCK!

To be clear, ^^^Best advice ever!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!

The Bonker is on the rebound from some similar surgery, so you are in good company. :D
Had mine done on August 4th. 35 years of pulling a bow and 25 years of coaching a softball team and a year ago at this time I couldn't draw my bow or throw a softball overhand. I got the crossbow permit from the doc, but never used it. Lots of rehab, turned my bow down to low 50's, and I pulled my bow back for the first time in early October. Shot a doe a week or so later, and it was all good. I can throw again now, but it still isn't like it used to be. More time and rehab and I'm convinced it will be, so hang in there!!

Had my surgery in late August, shot a doe with my muzzle loader the first day of shot gun season. That said, it is not back to normal strength wise that will take more time and exercise. You will get tired of the pulleys but that is what will get your range of motion back. Good luck.
I had a very similar surgery 3 yrs ago only after it got to where I couldn't reach up and turn the volume knob on the radio. It is not as good as the original equipment but I could pull my bow back before deer season started. It was definitely worth the pain and agony. Just follow the orders they prescribe.