Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

to hold or not to hold

On the holder most of the time, unless I see something coming or hear something. Unless I forget the holder, then obviously hang on to it. Hate it when I forget the holder.
Mine is hanging on a bow holder 99% of the time. I only take it off when it is GO time! I position my bow hanger so it is above me and my bow is hanging right in front of me. That way when i need it i can reach straight out for it vs. reaching to one side or another. But i have never got busted getting the bow off the hanger... Its all about moving at the right time.
Hang it, put the hanger in the tree high above me so my bow sits directly in front of me while sitting. Can get away with very little motion to grab the bow when a deer is coming in that way.

I use bow holder, like many guys have said 1st n last light it in my hand, but other then that how else it a guy sopose to rattle grunt use binocs etc if one hands busy at all times. Best of luck to every one this coming rut!!!
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