Too Tall at first light!


Active Member
My wife and I got out yesterday morning to one of my favorite rut stands. Unbeatable morning spot. We were running just a hair late, and only got up in the tree just at legal shooting light. I spent a moment situating my gear, and when I was done I decided it was just light enough to feel confident judging a buck in bow range. I turned to my wife, horns in hand, and told her I was going to try rattling. 45 seconds later, I hung up tge horns and almost immediately heard a stiff legged walk in the frosty leaves. From her vantage point, she got a glimpse first, and said he looked pretty good. I was seeing only flashes of movement, and had my bow in one hand and my binos held to my eyes with the other. My first good look was when he cleared the last cedar tree 30 yards away, and I was immediately hustling to get my binoculars in my coat pocket and my release clipped to my string. I drew just as the buck cleared the last tree and turn to walk almost straight to us. At 15 yards he stopped, looking for someone to fight, and shifted to the left just enough give me confidence in the quartering to shot. The arrow entered just behind his right front leg, and exited just in front of his left hip. He ran 60 yards, and piled up where we could hear him crash. I thought that I was excited until I turned to my wife and she started freaking out about how awesome it was.
I haven't taped him yet, but it looks like upper 150s, with 13.5"-14" g2s.









Did I mention my wife was holding our video camera at the time?
Congratulations. Nice shooting. And the bonus with the wife videoing is awesome. Way to go.
Congrats on a great deer! I had to show my wife your last pic! Your little one looks like she just asked the neighbor boy, Are you looking at my dad's deer...! Awesome job!
Look at you! All grown and married with children.
Congrats on: #1, a beautiful family. #2 on a fantastic buck!