trail cam problem


New Member
I just got my first roll of film developed from my game cam. I have never used one of these so I don't know what went wrong. The first two pictures on the roll were great, after that there was nothing, not even a blur. I was using the new stealth cam, I moved it from its initial spot after a week (only had 2 pics, the ones that turned out). We had two big rain storms while the cam was out, but the inside of case was dry. Did my moving the cam without changing film cause the prob or could the film got too hot and it ruined all but the first 2 pics? any suggestions would be helpful.
Can you tell me more about the camera setup. As in what direction was it facing, where was it located, in a field, or in the timber?
It was facing south and was inside a timber for the two pics that turned out. Then I moved it to the edge of a field and it was facing south out into the field.
My bet is then, it was because it was facing south. Try to get them in the shade and facing north. The sun and heat can be very hard on trailcams. Where the pics, completly blank, or was their anything on them. Also were they date and time stamped?
They didn't give me the photos that didn't turn out, but the negatives are completely blank, like a photo was never taken, the first two photos have the time stamp, but none of the other negatives show the time. thanks for your help.
Stealth cams have a LCD on the front of the unit. Are you sure that the camera was activated more than twice--and when you moved it, was the camera lens cover opened or shut. Not trying to sound stupid--but all avove, I'm also guilty of from time to time. Curruntly running 2 of the GSMMM2 Economy cameras myself and have two rolls to go in tomarrow A.M.Stealth is new enough to me --still undecide on quality. M350 out
Well, this same scenario just happened to me. I took in what i thought was a full roll of film. All I got was 7 pics. The rest were blank. In my case it was a midroll rewind. Who knows what causes this stuff, heat, moisture hacking a $50 camera. If it happens once, no big deal, if it happens all time, than its a big deal.
We've had that happen with an Cannon Owl once or twice. I think what happens is the film gets bound up so when it gets wound the extra tension make the camera think its at the end of the roll and it proceeds to rewind the film.
I had somewhat of a simular problem. I had 3 good pictures and then the rest of the film was used up with the same picture. It was in the woods, but on the edge of a small clearcut/brush. I have a non-typical camera. Could the sun beating down on the clear cut cause the camera to go off? What do you think I did wrong???
My problem made me so damn mad yesterday. My deer Cam camera was flashing E which is what it does when empty. It was in a great spot, the expander said 21 pics. Thought nothing more of it. Opened the back of the camera, whala!!!, film got all exposed. My battery was dead and that was why the damn thing was flashing. I wish they would have used an F B or some other letter to designate the problem. OH well, at least it was not over a killer scrape pre rut..........
I think my problem was the sun heating up the camera. My next roll turned out just fine, even though most the pics were of my beagle who ran off for awhile one day. I thought for the price this camera had very quality pics, but I don't think the sensor is as sensitive as other cams I have seen.