Trying Taxidermy


Taxidermy is something I have always ben interested in. Well this year I decided to give it a go myself. I ordered a few how to videos, did alot of studying. I got a head and cape from a friend. Here it is. What do ya think?
You have to make sure you are looking at a full size pic when you right click it and copy the URL.

As much as I can tell with a thumbnail, it looks pretty good. Once you get the full size up, I'll critique it better and give you some pointers if need be.
one more. I usually don't struggle this much with the pic posting process. Any pointers you pros out their have, I would love to hear. The only way I will improve is by hearing what is wrong with it.

Ha.. you beat me to the punch... disregard the last post.

Ok.. Well.. it looks pretty damn good. As a taxidermist, the main things I would look for are drumming ears, eye set( back corner should be slightly higher than front corner), Pupils should be perfectly level/horizontal to the ground as the deer hangs, If you look at the mount from the side the beams on most deer run a smooth transtion from the bases all the way to the tip of the nose(you should almost be able to draw a straight line from the tip of the nose to the main curve in the beam and everything should line up).. those are just a few things to keep in mind..You might have them all perfect but I can't tell with out being up close, but it looks like you did an extremely good job for just watching some videos and not having someone there to show you the way!! Keep up the good work.
I agree with Air, looks real good from what I can see. Looks like you even have done a good job on the eyes/eyelids/tear ducts. Looks like you put a gloss finish on the nose which is always nice and adds lots of details. Good job. Can't see anything wrong in these pics. Time consuming hobby, isn't it?
Sorry.. I love critiqing mounts.. And I have nothing better to do here in the desert. On the last pic, I can't really figure out yet whats wrong, but something seems a little goofy with the right ear, almost like it should be in a little closer to the skull and maybe add a little more clay in the ear butt. You will find that the biggest key to success is 'Reference'. Looking at the right eye, it looks like it may be just a little dark around it and maybe try going for a little more 'relaxed' eyeset. Keep in mind, there are 3 corners in an eye set(front corner, a slight one on top, and the back corner), in the pic, it looks like there may be four. From the straight on pic, it looks like you have a little more clay in the brow of the right eye than the brow of the left. Once again, Great Job on your first mount. It takes practice. Sorry again for all the critiqing. Just giving you some pointers. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Looks better than a lot of mounts I have seen done by guys who are paid to do so! You should do more. Good work!
Looks pretty good overall. The right ear butt might need a little more clay. I prefer a heavier brow and there is to much bottom lip showing for my liking. Nice work overall. Get some good reference photos and study them. You will improve on each one you do.